As a basic civil right, the right of rescission can naturally be waived by the holder of the right of rescission according to the basic principles of jurisprudence such as rights can be relinquished. In legal practice, there is no dispute that the rescission right is explicitly waived by the rescission right holder. Different from explicit waiver, the act of implied waiver is quite controversial because of the lack of relevant legal provisions that the rescission right holder gives up the rescission right by implied behavior. According to the principle of autonomy of private will, it is feasible for the rescinder to give up his right by implied behavior, but it cannot be regarded as the intention of the rescinder to give up his right under all circumstances. The feasibility of the implied waiver of rescission right varies with the implied behavior of the rescission right holders. When the breach is made and there is possibility of remedy, the performance of the party accepting the breach and the performance can satisfy the purpose of the main contract, the rescission right can be regarded as waiver. In case of breach and no remedy is possible, acceptance of performance outside the contract of the breaching party may be deemed as a waiver of rescission.
ZHANG Qin-run;YI Shuo(College of Humanities and Law Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao,Shandong,266590)
Journal of Guangzhou Open University
implied waiver
termination right
autonomy of private will
reasonable reliance on interests
liability for breach of contract