
岛礁官兵焦虑、抑郁情绪调查及其影响因素分析 被引量:8

Investigation of the anxiety and depression of officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs and the related influencing factors
摘要 目的调查岛礁官兵焦虑、抑郁情绪状态的严重程度并探讨其影响因素,为后续官兵心理筛查及心理健康维护提供理论依据。方法采用焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量表、大五人格量表、人际关系量表和心理弹性量表,对岛礁官兵的情绪状况及相关因素进行评估。结果出现焦虑情绪的官兵人数占总测评人数的34.14%,出现抑郁情绪的官兵人数占总测评人数的65.51%,岛礁官兵的焦虑、抑郁评分与中国人常模比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);人际关系调查显示,16.11%的官兵在人际关系方面存在较严重的困扰,同时在交谈、交友、待人接物、同异性交往等方面存在不同程度的困扰;焦虑、抑郁情绪与人格特质中的神经质呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与其他人格特质呈显著负相关(P<0.01),与人际关系各维度均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与心理弹性各维度呈显著负相关(P<0.01);多元线性回归分析,神经质维度、人际关系交谈、待人接物方面、心理弹性力量性维度对焦虑情绪有影响;力量性维度、乐观性维度、神经质维度和人际关系交谈方面对抑郁情绪有影响。结论岛礁官兵存在明显的焦虑抑郁情绪,且人格特质、人际关系和心理弹性各维度能在不同程度上影响焦虑、抑郁情绪。 Objective To investigate the severity of anxiety and depression of officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs and the related influencing factors,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent psychological screening and mental health maintenance of these officers and soldiers.Methods Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS),Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS),Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Five-Factor Inventory(NEO-FFI),Interpersonal Relationship Comprehensive Diagnostic Scale(IRCDS),Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale(CD-RISC)were used to evaluate the emotional status and its related factors of the officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs.Results Among all the research objects,34.14%of them showed anxiety,and 65.51%showed depression.The scale ratings of the officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs were significantly different from Chinese norm(P<0.01).According to the ratings of IRCDS,16.11%of the officers and soldiers had serious problems in interpersonal relationship,and they also had varying degrees of distress in conversation,making friends,manners,and heterosexual interactions.Anxiety and depression were significantly and positively correlated with neuroticism in personality traits(P<0.01),while they were significantly and negatively correlated with other personality traits(P<0.01);they were significantly and positively correlated with all factors of IRCDS(P<0.01),while they were significantly and negatively correlated with all factors of CD-RISC(P<0.01).Through multiple linear regression analysis,the neuroticism of NEO-FFI,the conversation and manners of IRCDS,and the strength of CD-RISC have impacts on anxiety;the strength and optimism of CD-RISC,the neuroticism of NEO-FFI,and the conversation of IRCDS had impacts on depression.Conclusion Officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs have obvious anxiety and depression,and the factors of personality traits,interpersonal relationship,and resilience can affect the emotions of anxiety and depression to varying degrees.
作者 刘峻岚 周晓娜 周佳楠 葛奇奇 蒋春雷 Liu Junlan;Zhou Xiaona;Zhou Jianan;Ge Qiqi;Jiang Chunlei(Department of Military Stress Medicine,Faculty of Psychology,Naval Medical University,Shanghai 200433 y China;Department of Nautical Psychology,Faculty of Psychology,Naval Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期12-15,21,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine
关键词 焦虑 抑郁 心理弹性 岛礁官兵 Anxiety Depression Resilience Officers and soldiers stationed on islands and reefs
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