
弘扬伟大建党精神奋力开拓价格认定工作新局面——关于2021年价格认定主要工作总结 被引量:1

Carry forward the spirit of building the great party and strive to open up a new situation in the work of price determination——Summary of main work on price determination in 2021
摘要 编者的话:近日,国家价格认证中心通过视频方式召开全国价格认定工作座谈会暨价格争议纠纷调解试点工作总结会。会议的主要任务:弘扬伟大建党精神,深入学习贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,全面贯彻落实全国发展改革工作会议精神和价格工作会议部署,认真总结2021年工作,深入交流各地经验与做法,研究部署下阶段及2022年重点工作。会上,部分地方代表围绕涉纪、涉刑事、涉税价格认定工作及综合业务平台建设等作了很好的交流发言,国家发展改革委价格认证中心主任吴涧生作了重要讲话。本期摘要发表吴涧生主任讲话的一部分,以供读者参阅。 Editor’s words: Recently, the National Price Certification Center held a national price identification work forum and a summary meeting on the pilot work of price dispute mediation through video. The main tasks of the meeting: carry forward the spirit of the Party, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19 th National Congress of the CPC and the 19 th plenary sessions, fully implement the spirit of the National Development and Reform Work Conference and the deployment of the price work conference, conscientiously summarize the work in 2021, and in-depth exchange of experience in various places and practices, research and deploy the next stage and key work in 2022. During the meeting, some local representatives made good exchanges and speeches on disciplinary-related, criminal-related, tax-related price identification work and the construction of a comprehensive business platform. Wu Jiansheng, director of the Price Certification Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, made an important speech. This abstract publishes a part of Director Wu Jiansheng’s speech for readers’ reference.
作者 吴涧生
出处 《价格理论与实践》 北大核心 2021年第12期5-8,共4页 Price:Theory & Practice
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