
井控道集谱蓝化技术在高分辨率储层预测中的应用——以珠江口盆地R油田为例 被引量:1

Application of well controlled gather spectral bluing technology in high resolution reservoir prediction:taking R Oilfield of Pearl River Mouth Basin as an example
摘要 南海珠江口盆地R油田为典型的中型礁灰岩油田,储层非均质性强,井间对比困难,常规地震资料品质较差,岩性边界及低渗储层“甜点”识别难度大,储层预测难以达到理想的精度。应用井控道集谱蓝化处理技术,从叠前CRP道集入手,以井控正演道集频谱趋势为约束,通过井震实时标定质控,对常规地震道集进行系统迭代和定量校准,最大程度挖掘常规地震资料潜力,合理可控提高地震资料分辨率,形成针对灰岩储层“甜点”预测的叠前高分辨率道集优化处理方法。以井控道集谱蓝化处理地震资料为基础,针对灰岩薄储层创新应用分级相控高分辨率反演技术手段,在靶区灰岩储层“甜点”预测中取得了较好应用成效,为油田开发方案设计、注采井网优化和开发井实施提供了有力保障。 R Oilfield is a typical medium-sized reef limestone oilfield in Pearl River Mouth Basin of the South China Sea,with strong reservoir heterogeneity,complex reservoir connectivity,difficult inter-well correlation,difficult identification of lithologic boundary and“sweet spot”of low permeability reservoir,which has a great impact on the formulation and implementation of development plan.The quality of conventional seismic data is low,and the processing of conventional gather data often has the characteristics of low signal to noise ratio,low resolution,residual noise,and unequal gather,which has a greater impact on the quality and reliability of the pre-stack inversion results,so the reservoir prediction is difficult to achieve ideal prediction accuracy.This time,constrained by the spectrum trend of the well controlled forward gather,using well controlled gather spectral bluing processing technology and starting from the pre-stack CRP gather,systematic iteration and quantitative calibration of the conventional seismic gather were carried out through well-seismic calibration and quality control,so as to maximize the potential of the conventional seismic data,and to improve the resolution of seismic data reasonably and controllably.Thus,a pre-stack high-resolution seismic optimization processing method is formed for the limestone reservoir prediction.At the same time,with the help of multi-parameter fusion coordinate rotational petrophysical convergence analysis technology,the relationships between vp and vs,impedance and permeability is established,and based on the well controlled spectrum bluing seismic data,the innovative application of hierarchical facies controlled highresolution inversion technology for thin limestone reservoir has achieved good application results in the limestone“sweet spot”prediction in the target area,which provides a strong guarantee for oilfield development scheme design,well pattern optimization and development well implementation.A series of technical ideas and methods can provide empirical guidance and reference for the subsequent development and research of similar oilfields.
作者 董政 李黎 赵伟超 郭丽 夏晓燕 DONG Zheng;LI Li;ZHAO Weichao;GUO Li;XIA Xiaoyan
出处 《海相油气地质》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期201-208,共8页 Marine Origin Petroleum Geology
基金 中海石油(中国)有限公司海上中深层油藏地球物理技术攻关项目(编号:YXKY-2019-ZY-05)资助。
关键词 井控道集谱蓝化 分级相控反演 储层预测 高分辨率 礁灰岩 珠江口盆地 well controlled gather spectral bluing hierarchical facies controlled inversion reservoir prediction high res⁃olution reef limestone Pearl River Mouth Basin
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