

Sino⁃French Negotiations About Vietnam and Zhang Zhidong’s Coping Reactions Before“The Ambush”(1881⁃1884):A Study of Unpublished Letters of Zhang Zhidong
摘要 张之洞致张佩纶未刊书札,可从中探究张之洞在山西巡抚任上对中法越南交涉的因应。北圻问题发生初期,张之洞即从张佩纶处获取李鸿章的相关情报,并表达了相应意见。随着中法事态的变化,张之洞参与起复阎敬铭、李鸿章,颇有为中法越南交涉考虑的意味。至中法衅起,张之洞在山西巡抚任上广派委员,建立其作为地方大员独立的情报渠道。借助中法越南交涉的契机,张之洞主动谋求调离山西,朝廷终命其署理两广总督。张之洞在中法越南初期交涉中的地位虽不如东南督抚般重要,更无法与李鸿章、曾纪泽、赫德、总署各员相比,但其相关因应与人事关涉甲申朝局变迁,是窥测相关事态变动的主要人物之一。 Through the unpublished letters of Zhang Zhidong(张之洞)to Zhang Peilun(张佩纶),this paper makes an inquiry into Zhang Zhidong’s coping reactions to the Sino⁃French negotiations about Vietnam when he was governor of Shanxi Province.In the early days of the Tonkin(Bac Ky,or Northern Vietnam)Campaign(1883⁃1886),Zhang Zhidong had obtained Li Hongzhang’s relevant information from Zhang Peilun through his relationship of the Qingliu Dang(清流Purification Clique,group of conservative Chinese officials who advocated a return to traditional Confucian moral principles),and expressed his opinions therein.With the changing of the situation between the Qing and the French powers,Zhang Zhidong was involved in having Yan Jingming(阎敬铭)and Li Hongzhang(李鸿章)reassume office.A big factor in his account for so doing was for the Sino⁃French negotiations about Vietnam.From the beginning of the Sino⁃French conflict,in his capacity as the governor of Shanxi Province,Zhang Zhidong commissioned many lowly officials as his exclusive intelligent sources.Seizing the opportunity of Sino⁃French negotiations,Zhang Zhidong took the initiative to seek transfer from Shanxi,and was finally appointed as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.Although Zhang Zhidong’s position in the early Sino⁃French negotiations about Vietnam was not as important as that of the Southeast Military Governor,and he could not be compared with the general administrators,such as Li Hongzhang,Zeng Jize(曾纪泽),and He De(赫德),his coping reactions and his transfer in position or location of work were related to the changes of the Qing Government in 1884.He thus became one of the main figures from whom we could had a peek at the changes of related events.
作者 刘青峰 LIU Qingfeng(Institute of Modern History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第4期45-55,共11页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 “清流” 张之洞 中法越南交涉 张之洞书札 Qingliu Dang(清流Purification Clique) Zhang Zhidong Sino⁃French negotiations about Vietnam letters of Zhang Zhidong
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  • 1李鸿章.《致张佩纶》,光绪八年八月二十六日,《李集》第33卷,第167-168页.
  • 2张佩纶.《复李肃毅师相》,《书牍》卷一,第70页.
  • 3李鸿章.《原任安徽按察使司按察使张君墓表》,《李鸿章全集》(以下简称《李集》)第37卷,合肥:安徽教育出版社,2007年,第48-49页.
  • 4李鸿章致张佩纶信,载《李集》第31卷,第71页.
  • 5李鸿章.《复丁雨生中丞》,光绪七年七月二十一日,《李集》第33卷,第69页.㈣1.,I㈨.
  • 6李鸿章.《致潘昂新》,光绪五年四月初二日,《李集》第32卷,第430页.
  • 7《王文韶代奏陈情折》,《李集》第10卷,第69页.
  • 8李鸿章光绪八年四月十一日《致张佩纶》,《李集》第33卷,第15页.
  • 9李鸿章.《致张佩纶》,光绪八年四月初四日;光绪八年四月十一日,《李集》第33卷,第149页.
  • 10李鸿章.《致张佩纶》,光绪八年四月初四日;光绪八年四月十一日,《李集》第33卷,第150页.









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