
振镜伺服系统带宽提升方法研究 被引量:1

Research on System Bandwidth Expansion Methods for Galvanometer Servo System
摘要 激光振镜系统中一般要求电机需满足2°/200 Hz高频响应,传统PID控制方法难以满足小惯量、低幅值、高频率的电机控制要求。因此,为提高位置环、电流环带宽及系统响应速度,研究和应用了多采样更新策略、电流预测控制算法、基于多采样死区补偿算法,多种控制方式融合并应用于定制永磁同步电机,在振镜伺服系统中实现200 Hz位置环的低幅值高频正弦振动。提出的前后向差分方法实现电流预测控制算法和基于多采样死区补偿算法过程重合,未明显增加计算量。所提方法在Matlab/Simulink中验证了可行性和正确性,并搭建实验平台验证了该方法的有效性,取得良好的控制效果,对于伺服系统的高频响应应用具有借鉴意义。 In the galvanometer scanner system,the motor should meet the requirement of 2°/200 Hz highfrequency response. It was inappropriate to utilize PID controller under the demands of small-inertia,lowamplitude,high-frequency. Therefore,many control algorithms are studied and applied,such as current multisampling strategy,predictive current control algorithm,comprehensive dead-time compensation based on multisampling,etc.,to increase the position and current loop bandwidth and system response speed. These control methods were integrated successfully and aiming at the customized permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM),200 Hz low amplitude position vibration was realized in the galvanometer servo system. Process coincidence occurs in predictive current control algorithm and comprehensive dead-time compensation based on multisampling because of forward backward differential method,so the calculation amount does not increase significantly. About the approaches related above,the simulation and experimental results verify the validity of the theoretical analysis and their feasibility. These approaches also have reference significance in the application of high frequency response of PMSM servo system.
作者 高宇杰 张承瑞 丁信忠 李虎修 陈攀 GAO Yujie;ZHANG Chengrui;DING Xinzhong;LI Huxiu;CHEN Pan(School of Mechanical Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,Shandong,China;Key Laboratory of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacturing,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,Shandong,China;Shanghai Xinshida Electric Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201800,China)
出处 《电气传动》 2022年第14期3-8,共6页 Electric Drive
基金 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2019JZZY020121)。
关键词 振镜电机 多采样 电流预测控制 死区补偿 galvanometer motor multisampling predictive current control dead-time compensation
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