
我国家庭农场研究进展与展望 被引量:7

Research Progress and the Prospect of Family Farm in China
摘要 2013年中央一号文件的发布促进了我国家庭农场的快速发展,也掀起了家庭农场研究的热潮并一直延续至今。乡村振兴战略的实施为家庭农场发展带来新的机遇,如何在新时代实现家庭农场高质量发展给家庭农场研究提出了新的课题,因而有必要对已有的家庭农场研究文献进行梳理总结,为进一步深化和拓展家庭农场研究提供启示和方向。本文通过回顾和梳理CSSCI收录的题目包含“家庭农场”的382篇论文,从家庭农场的概念特征与地位作用、形成原因与发展条件、发展模式与经营模式、适度经营规模与经营效率(绩效)、制约因素与应对策略等5个方面总结其主要研究成果:(1)家庭农场是介于企业和普通农户之间的农业经营主体,既有“家庭”的特征,也有“农场”的属性;当前,家庭农场是新型农业经营主体的生力军,是推动农业现代化和乡村振兴的主要力量之一。(2)制度供给与制度需求的不均衡催生了家庭农场;我国家庭农场的产生与工业化和城镇化的快速推进密切相关,而制度改革是家庭农场形成机制中的关键因素;家庭农场的持续发展需要有相应的土地流转和新型职业农民培育制度、农业社会化服务体系、市场机制和政府支持、投资保障和社会保障等。(3)人多地少的基本国情决定了适度规模经营是我国家庭农场发展的基本方向和主要模式;各地资源状况和发展水平存在巨大差异,家庭农场实践也形成了多样化的发展模式和经营模式。(4)家庭农场经营规模要“适度”,而“适度”的标准对于不同地区、不同类型的家庭农场具有显著差异;我国家庭农场的经营绩效明显高于普通农户,但经营效率普遍不高,尤其是技术效率水平整体偏低;家庭农场的经营效率和绩效受到农场主及其家庭特征、农场经营方式和技术水平、经营环境和配套设施、农业扶持政策和政府补贴等因素的影响。(5)我国家庭农场发展仍然面临诸多制约因素,比如:农场主素质不高、经营管理能力欠缺,农场经营规模或方式不当、投资不足、技术水平不高,土地产权和流转制度有待完善,融资较为困难,农业社会化服务体系不健全,政府扶持力度不够等,应从土地流转、农地改革、农业社会化服务体系、农场主培育、金融支持、财政补贴等方面加以完善。我国学者对家庭农场进行了广泛深入的研究,并产生了大量富有成效的研究成果,但还存在一些问题有待进一步深化和拓展,如:截面分析较多,长期跟踪分析不足;经济学角度分析较多,多学科分析不足;国内分析较多,国际比较分析不足。 The release of the No.1 Central Document in 2013 promoted the rapid development of family farms in China,and also set off a boom in family farm research,which has continued to this day.The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy has brought new opportunities for the development of family farms.How to achieve high-quality development of family farms in the new era has raised new topics for family farm research.Therefore,it is necessary to sort out and summarize the existing literature on family farm research to provide inspiration and direction for further deepening and expanding family farm research.By reviewing and sorting out 382 papers with the title of“family farm”included in CSSCI,this paper summarizes the main research results of family farms from five aspects:the conceptual characteristics and status function,the reasons for formation and development conditions,development mode and management mode,moderate management scale and management efficiency(performance),the constraints and coping strategies.Specifically,(1)family farm is the main body of agricultural management between enterprises and ordinary farmers,which has both the characteristics of“family”and the attributes of“farm”;at present,family farms are the new force of new agricultural business entities and one of the main forces promoting agricultural modernization and rural revitalization.(2)The imbalance between institutional supply and institutional demand gave birth to family farms;the emergence of family farms in China is closely related to the rapid advancement of industrialization and urbanization,and institutional reform is a key factor in the formation mechanism of family farms;the sustainable development of family farms requires corresponding land transfer and new professional farmers cultivation system,agricultural socialization service system,market mechanism and government support,investment security and social security.(3)The basic national conditions of more people and less land determine that moderate scale management is the basic direction and main mode of the development of family farms in China;there are huge differences in resource conditions and development levels in different regions,and the practice of family farms has also formed a diversified development model and business model.(4)The scale of family farm operation should be“moderate”,and the standard of“moderation”has significant differences for different regions and different types of family farms;although the operating performance of family farms in China is obviously higher than that of ordinary farmers,the operating efficiency is generally not high,especially the overall low level of technical efficiency;the operating efficiency and performance of family farms are affected by factors such as the characteristics of farmers and their families,farm management methods and technical levels,operating environment and supporting social facilities,agricultural support policies and government subsidies.(5)The development of family farms in China still faces many constraints,such as,the quality of farmers is not high,the management ability is lacking,the scale or mode of the farm operation is improper,the investment is insufficient,the technical level is not high,the land property rights and circulation system needs to be improved,financing is more difficult,the agricultural socialization service system is not perfect,and the government support is not enough.Thus,reform and improvement should be carried out in terms of land transfer,farmland reform,agricultural socialization service system,farmer cultivation,financial support,and financial subsidies.Chinese scholars have conducted extensive and in-depth research on family farms,and produced a large number of fruitful research results,but there are still some problems that need to be further deepened and expanded.For example,there are too many cross-sectional analyses,and long-term tracking analysis is insufficient;there are too many analyses from the perspective of economics,but the multidisciplinary analysis is insufficient;there are too many domestic analyses,but the international comparative analysis is insufficient.
作者 郭熙保 吴方 查科 GUO Xi-bao;WU Fang;ZHA Ke(School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《西部论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期1-16,共16页 West Forum
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(18JJD790012)。
关键词 家庭农场 适度规模 农地制度 新型职业农民 农业社会化服务体系 新型农业经营主体 family farm moderate scale farmland system a new type of professional farmers agricultural socialized service system a new type of agricultural management entity
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