

Do Free Trade Agreements Boost the Export of China’s Core Cultural Products
摘要 在全球经贸规则重塑的重要历史阶段,研究FTA对中国文化产品出口的影响效果有利于探索和构建中国“文化产品贸易规则体系”,符合“文化强国”战略的实施与推进。文章以1996—2017年中国对43个国家文化产品出口的面板数据为样本,分离出传统关税减免效应,从FTA整体、条款深度和条款可执行性三个层次考察了中国FTA对核心文化产品出口的影响作用。结果表明:①FTA显著促进了中国文化产品出口,其条款可执行性在此过程发挥了重要作用。②FTA对制度质量低、地缘文化关系近和发展中国家样本中的促进效果更显著,但应对高制度质量国家文化贸易壁垒的能力有限。③FTA对视觉艺术品的出口促进作用最强,其次是手工艺品、表演和庆祝活动类以及书籍报刊类产品。④文化合作条款对表演庆祝类产品的出口促进作用最显著;视听条款在有效促进表演庆祝类产品出口的同时,限制了书籍报刊类产品的出口,而数据保护条款对各类产品都表现出较强的抑制作用。 In the important historical phase of the great transformation of global economic and trade rules,researching the effect of free trade agreements(FTAs)on the export of China's cultural products is conducive to exploring and building China's trade rule system of cultural products and promoting the implementation of the strategy of“developing a leading cultural nation”.Taking the panel data of the exports of China's cultural products to 43 countries from 1996 to 2017,this paper analyzes the effect of traditional tariff cuts and exemptions,and the impact of FTAs on the export of China's core cultural products from three different aspectsthe scopes,depth and enforceability of FTAs.The results show that:①The clauses of FTAs play a key role in boosting China's cultural product export.②FTAs have effectively promoted the samples of the countries with an imperfect system or similar geographical culture,as well as developing countries.However,FTAs can be hard to address the cultural trade barriers of countries with a wellestablished system.③FTAs have the best effect on promoting the export of visual works of art,followed closely by handicrafts,performance and celebration activity,books and newspapers products.④Clauses of cultural cooperation have the greatest effect on boosting the export of products of performance;audio and visual clauses effectively boost the export of products of performance and celebration activity while restricting the export of books and newspapers;clauses of data protection on all kinds of products greatly inhibit the export of all kinds of products.
作者 张文秋 赵君丽 Zhang Wenqiu;Zhao Junli
出处 《文化产业研究》 2022年第1期224-243,共20页 Cultural Industry Research
基金 国家社科基金项目“‘双循环’新格局下我国纺织服装产业转型升级研究”(21BJY106) 教育部人文社会科学规划项目“中国纺织产业‘一带一路’沿线国家投资研究”(20YJAGJW007) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2232018H09) 2021年度东华大学“一带一路”智库研究专项上海市“科技创新行动计划”软科学研究项目(22692106000)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 自由贸易协定 核心文化产品出口 贸易引力模型 贸易壁垒 free trade agreement export of core cultural products gravity model of trade trade barrier
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