
多模态超声成像联合磁共振对孕早期剖宫产术后瘢痕妊娠的诊断价值 被引量:3

Value of Multimodal Ultrasound Imaging Combined with MRI in the Diagnosis of Early Cesarean Scars Pregnancy
摘要 【目的】探讨多模态超声成像联合磁共振(MRI)对孕早期剖宫产术后瘢痕妊娠(CSP)的诊断价值。【方法】选取2017年1月至2020年12月经手术和病理证实为CSP的106例患者,术前均行多模态超声和MRI检查,对比两类影像检查方法及二者联合检测的诊断效能。【结果】106例CSP患者中,术前多模态超声诊断准确率89.6%(95/106),误诊11例;MRI诊断准确率91.5%(97/106),误诊9例;联合检查诊断准确率为97.2%(103/106),误诊3例。χ^(2)检验显示多模态超声与MRI诊断准确率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);二者联合诊断效能优于单独诊断技术(P<0.05)。【结论】多模态超声和MRI对CSP诊断准确率无明显差异,联合检查对CSP诊断准确率高于二者单独应用,对CSP具有较高的诊断价值。 【Objective】To explore the diagnostic value of multimodal ultrasound imaging combined with magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)in the early cesarean scars pregnancy(CSP).【Methods】A total of 106 patients with surgically and pathologically confirmed CSP from January 2017 to December 2020 were selected.All patients underwent multimodal ultrasound and MRI examination before surgery to compare the diagnostic efficacy of the two types of imaging indicators and their combined detection.【Results】Among 106 CSP patients,the accuracy rate of multimodal ultrasound diagnosis was 89.6%(95/106),and 11 cases were misdiagnosed.The accuracy rate of MRI was 91.5%(97/106),and 9 cases were misdiagnosed.The accuracy rate of both combination diagnosis was 97.2%(103/106),and only 3 cases were misdiagnosed.Theχ^(2) test was used to compare the accuracy rate of the two imaging techniques and the combined diagnosis.The result showed there was no significant difference in the diagnostic accuracy of multimode ultrasound and MRI(P>0.05).However,there was a difference between single diagnosis and combined diagnosis of multimode ultrasound and MRI(P<0.05).【Conclusion】There is no significant difference in the accuracy rate of CSP diagnosis between multimode ultrasound and MRI.However,the diagnostic accuracy rate of CSP with MRI combined multimode ultrasound diagnosis is higher than the two alone,which improves the diagnostic value for CSP.
作者 黎玲玲 袁红霞 王玲 童立里 曹虹 郭黎漓 朱云芳 罗秀 徐星 李文中 LI Ling-ling;YUAN Hong-xia;WANG Ling(Department of Ultrasound,Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Changsha Hunan,410007)
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2022年第5期656-659,663,共5页 Journal of Clinical Research
基金 湖南省卫生健康委科研计划项目(B2017199)。
关键词 剖宫产术/副作用 妊娠 异位/影像诊断 瘢痕 超声检查 产前/方法 磁共振成像/方法 Cesarean Section/AE Pregnancy,Ectopic/DG Cicatrix Ultrasonography,Prenatal/MT Magnetic Resonance Imaging/MT
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