
2015-2019年江西省传染病自动预警信息系统应用效果评价 被引量:5

Evaluation of application of automatic early warning information system of infectious diseases in Jiangxi,2015-2019
摘要 目的了解预警系统运行状况,分析2015—2019年江西省传染病自动预警信息变化特征,为进一步优化预警系统,提升江西省传染病自动预警监测工作效率提供依据。方法采用Excel 2010软件收集整理2015—2019年江西省传染病自动预警信息数据,运用SPSS 22.0软件对预警系统应用效果及信息填报质量进行统计分析。结果2015—2019年江西省共发出预警信号43697条,疑似事件率高峰为9—12月,预警信号阳性率高峰为9月和12月,疑似事件率、预警信号阳性率及突发事件预警率分别为7.41%、0.78%、40.46%,与2008—2014年疑似事件率(χ^(2)=3140.745,P<0.001)、预警信号阳性率(χ^(2)=305.895,P<0.001)及突发事件预警率(χ^(2)=18.585,P<0.001)比较,差异均有统计学意义;预警信号阳性率居前5位病种依次为人感染猪链球菌、人感染H7N9禽流感、登革热、霍乱、不明原因肺炎;预警信号及时响应率、现场调查率分别为98.34%、82.25%,与2008—2014年预警信号及时响应率(χ^(2)=21680.642,P<0.001)、现场调查率(χ^(2)=109.642,P<0.001)比较,差异均有统计学意义。结论江西省传染病自动预警信息系统目前运行状况良好,预警效能提升明显,响应及时。但总体预警信号阳性率、突发事件预警率仍处于较低水平,预警系统需进一步优化。 Objective To understand the performance of the early warning system of infectious diseases in Jiangxi province from 2005 to 2019 and analyze the change characteristics of the automatic early warning information,and provide basis for further optimizing the early warning system and improving the efficiency of automatic early warning and monitoring of infectious diseases in Jiangxi.Methods Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to collect and classify the automatic early warning information data of infectious diseases in Jiangxi from 2015 to 2019,and SPSS 22.0 was used to statistically evaluate the application of early warning system and the quality of information reporting.Results From 2015 to 2019,a total of 43697 early warning signals were released in Jiangxi.The proportion of suspected event reached peak during September-December,and the proportion of positive early warning signals reached peaks in September and December.The proportions of suspected event,positive early warning signals and proportion of public health emergencies were 7.41%,0.78%and 40.46%respectively,Compared with 2008–2014,there were significant increases and there were significant differences in the proportion of suspected events(χ^(2)=3140.745,P<0.001),the proportion of positive early warning signals(χ^(2)=305.895,P<0.001)and the proportion of public health emergencies(χ^(2)=18.585,P<0.001);The top five diseases with the positive early warning signals were human infection with Streptococcus suis,human infection with avian influenza(H7N9)virus,dengue fever,cholera and unexplained pneumonia;The timely response rate of early warning signal and field investigation rate were 98.34%and 82.25%respectively,which increased significantly compared with 2008–2014.There were significant differences in the timely response rate of early warning signal(χ^(2)=21680.642,P<0.001)and field investigation rate(χ^(2)=109.642,P<0.001).Conclusion The performance of automatic early warning information system of infectious diseases in Jiangxi is well,the early warning efficiency has been improved obviously,resulting in timely response.However,the overall proportions of positive early warning signal and early warning of public health emergency are still at low levels,suggesting that the early warning system of infectious disease needs to be further optimized.
作者 方继 傅伟杰 熊小庆 王晓文 胡玲玲 Fang Ji;Fu Weijie;Xiong Xiaoqing;Wang Xiaowen;Hu Lingling(Jiangxi Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanchang 330029,Jiangxi,China)
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期689-693,共5页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 传染病 自动预警 应用 效果评价 Infectious diseases Automatic warning Application Impact assessment
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