

A comparative study of Chinese and Western war traditions and war concepts
摘要 从人的自然本性、生存环境、社会政治、经济资源、宗教信仰等多重因素中探寻中西战争传统与战争观念的异同。可以发现,基于人的自然本性,即男性荷尔蒙的驱动,中国远古神话和古希腊战争神话都不约而同赞颂生命、勇气和力量之美;从人的生存环境看,从黄河流域繁衍发展的华夏先民自古安于农耕生活,求稳求安而不好战,造就了以防御性为基础的军事传统,而草原的广袤、森林的阴鸷和海洋的辽阔造就了欧洲很多民族崇尚弱肉强食的丛林法则,赋予其向外扩张的强烈欲望;从政治上看,华夏先民在民族融合的战争中是以汉民族早熟的政治制度和先进的文化同化周边的少数民族,而不主动发动侵犯异族的战争,而欧洲的政治版图则变化剧烈,其三千多年的战争历史既是一个弱肉强食、强国争霸的历史,又是一个文化融合、推动文明发展的历史;从宗教信仰看,历代中国都是封建帝王专制的大一统社会,政教分离,宗教无法干预政治,因此,中国历史上没有发生过大规模的宗教战争,而欧洲的宗教力量十分强大,甚至可以通过国家的力量发动战争,由罗马天主教发动的历时二百年的十字军的九次东征就凸显了宗教对于欧洲政治的巨大影响;在战争哲学观上,中国以孔孟为代表的儒家战争观,对战争取审慎态度,注重战争道德伦理,师出有名,战之有道,以“不战而屈人之兵”为战争的最高境界。西方战争思想比较博杂,早期的基督教战争思想倾向于“慎战”,中世纪后期好战思想逐渐抬头,18、19世纪主张以战争解决国家纷争的思想占了上风,直至20世纪下半叶,反战思想才逐渐有了市场。中西战争观的差异在战争审美观上反映为崇德和崇力两条不同发展路径,并深刻影响了中西战争文学创作。以德为先,讲求信义,注重人伦,铸就了中国战争文学崇尚道德英雄的审美特性,而不受伦理道德制约的尚武精神不断强化西方战争文学的非理性,直至第一、二次世界大战爆发造成人类巨大灾难,战后西方开始超越功利层面反思战争,掀起了人道主义反战文学的创作热潮。 Exploring the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western war traditions and the concepts of war from multiple factors such as human nature,living environment,social politics,economic resources and religious beliefs,it can be found that based on human nature,that is,driven by male hormones,ancient Chinese myths and ancient Greek war myths both praise the beauty of life,courage and strength.From the perspective of the living environment of man,the Chinese ancestors who multiplied and developed from the Yellow River Basin,have been content with farming life since ancient times,seeking stability and security without fighting,creating a military tradition based on defensiveness,while the vastness of the grasslands,the sinister and ruthless of the forests,and the vastness of the ocean have created the law of the jungle advocated by many European nations,giving them a strong desire to expand outward.In terms of politics,Chinese ancestors assimilated the surrounding ethnic minorities with the precocious political system and advanced culture of the Han nationality in the war of national integration,instead of actively launching the war of invading foreign nationalities,while the political territory of Europe has changed dramatically.Its more than 3000 years of war history is not only a history of the law of the jungle and the struggle for hegemony,but also a history of cultural integration and promotion of civilization development.From the perspective of religious belief,China has been a unified society under the autocratic rule of feudal emperors in all dynasties,with the separation of politics and religion,and religion cannot intervene in politics.Therefore,there has been no large-scale religious war in Chinese history,while the religious forces in Europe are very strong,and they can even launch war through the national power,the Nine Crusades launched by the Roman Catholic Church which lasted for two hundred years highlighted the great influence of religion on European politics.In the view of war philosophy,the Confucian view of war represented by Confucius and Mencius in China takes a cautious attitude towards war,pays attention to war morality and ethics,considers that there should be a right reason for waging a war which also must follow certain rules,and takes“subduing the enemy without war”as the highest state of war.The Western war thought is relatively complex.The early Christian war thought tends to be“cautious about war”.The bellicose thought gradually rises in the late Middle Ages.The idea of solving national disputes by war prevailed in the 18th and 19th centuries.It was not until the second half of the 20th century that the anti-war thought gradually gained a market.The differences between Chinese and Western war views are reflected in two different development paths of advocating virtue and force in war aesthetics,and have a profound impact on the creation of Chinese and Western war literature.Putting morality first,emphasizing faith and righteousness,and paying attention to human ethics have created the aesthetic characteristics of advocating moral heroes in Chinese war literature,meanwhile,the martial spirit which is not constrained by ethics and morality has continuously strengthened the irrationality of Western war literature until the outbreak of World Wars I and II which caused great disasters for mankind.After the wars,the West began to reflect on the war beyond the utilitarian level,setting off a creative upsurge of humanitarian anti-war literature.
作者 陈颖 CHEN Ying(College of Literature,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期193-206,共14页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“20世纪中国反侵略战争小说研究”(17AZW015)。
关键词 中西战争传统 战争哲学 战争审美 战争小说 Chinese and Western war tradition philosophy of war war aesthetics war novels








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