

Antebellum American Women’s Temperance Papers and Women’s Public Participation
摘要 在19世纪40年代的美国,随着女性禁酒社团纷纷涌现,女性禁酒改革者开始独自创办禁酒报纸。女性杂志的流行与女性受教育程度的提高,为女性禁酒报纸的问世提供了必要的条件。以《橄榄树》和《百合花》为代表的女性禁酒报纸成为女性禁酒社团的喉舌,也是女性禁酒改革者发声的工具。女性改革者借助禁酒报纸表达她们对禁酒改革与自身公共角色的理解,丰富了禁酒运动中的女性形象,展现了女性公共参与的自主性。在这个过程中,女性改革者以作者、编辑、出版商的身份参与到印刷出版中,行使出版自由来推进禁酒事业的发展、引导公众意见,体现了女性在争取选举权之外的公共参与方式的多样性。 In the 1840 s,with the emergence of women’s temperance societies,female temperance reformers began to found their own temperance papers.The popularity of ladies’magazines and the improvement of women’s education in the early Republic all made it possible for the birth of women’s temperance papers.Represented by The Olive Plant,and Ladies’Temperance Advocate and The Lily,these temperance papers were either an organ of women’s temperance societies or a good way for self-expression.From the perspective of women,the papers presented the multidimensional images of women in the movement and delivered women’s understandings on temperance reform and their own public role,which showed the autonomy of women’s public participation.In the process,women reformers participated in printing and publishing as writer,editor,publisher,exercising their freedom of the press to promote the temperance movement and shape the public opinion.This demonstrated the diversity of ways of women’s public participation apart from the right to vote.
作者 鲁迪秋 LU Di-qiu(School of the Humanities,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai,200234,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期107-118,共12页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 禁酒运动 女性禁酒社团 《橄榄树》 《百合花》 temperance movement women’s temperance societies The Olive Plant The Lily
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