
"中国县域慢阻肺管理中心"项目慢性阻塞性肺疾病高危人群筛查及危险因素分析 被引量:9

Screening and risk factor analysis of high-risk groups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease under the"China County COPD Standardization Management Center"project
摘要 目的分析"中国县域慢阻肺管理中心"(简称"4C中心")项目慢性阻塞性肺疾病(简称慢阻肺)高危人群比例及危险因素。方法本研究为横断面研究。采用随机整群抽样法。2016年1月至2021年10月在"4C中心"项目下六大区域(东北、华东、华北、华中、西北、西南)74家试点医院内,共发放121482份慢阻肺筛查问卷(COPD-PS问卷),并将问卷评分≥5分的人群定义为慢阻肺高危人群。使用χ^(2)检验和二元logistic回归分析对慢阻肺高危人群在性别、年龄、地区中的分布情况及慢阻肺相关危险因素进行统计学分析。结果共发放问卷121482份,收回110102份,有效率为90.6%,在符合条件的110102名居民中筛出高危人群17421名,慢阻肺高危人群比例为15.8%;男性相比于女性高危人群比例更高(16.3%比15.2%,χ^(2)=25.66,P<0.001);慢阻肺高危人群比例随着年龄的增长而增加,≥40岁人群更易成为慢阻肺高危人群(χ^(2)=18445.92,P<0.001)。与非高危人群比较,慢阻肺高危人群有吸烟史者多(60.2%比17.3%,χ^(2)=14756.54,P<0.001),有二手烟接触史者多(47.2%比23.0%,χ^(2)=4349.43,P<0.001),长期生物燃料暴露人群较多(42.8%比14.5%,χ^(2)=7629.38,P<0.001),有职业粉尘(煤矿粉尘、矿石粉尘、铸造粉尘、电焊粉尘等)暴露人群较多(11.5%比4.9%,χ^(2)=1151.39,P<0.001),有环境或高危职业(石棉、铍、铀、氡气、柴油废气、煤烟和煤烟灰等)暴露人群较多(8.0%比3.8%,χ^(2)=608.65,P<0.001)。结论年龄≥40岁的老年人慢阻肺高危人群比例会随年龄增长而增加;具有吸烟史、二手烟接触史、生物燃料暴露史、职业粉尘暴露史、环境或高危职业暴露史都会导致慢阻肺高危人群比例的增加。应针对不同年龄段、不同性别、具备不同危险因素的普通人群进行早期筛查,早期预防干预,降低慢阻肺高危人群比例,从而降低患病率。 Objective To analyze the proportion of high-risk population for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and to explore the risk factors under the"China County COPD Standardization Management Center"("4C Center")project.Methods This was a cross-sectional study.Random cluster sampling was employed.During the five-year period from January 2016 to October 2021,in 74 pilot hospitals of 6 major regions(Northeast China,North China,East China,Central China,Northwest China,and Southwest China)under the"4C Center"project,a total of 121,482 COPD questionaires were distributed.Screening questionnaire(COPD-PS questionnaire)was used,and those with a score≥5 were defined as high-risk of COPD.The chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the distribution of high-risk groups of COPD in region,gender,and age,and to explore the related risk factors of COPD.Results A total of 121,482 questionnaires were distributed and 110,102 were collected,with an effective rate of 90.6%.From the eligible residents,17,421 high-risk people were screened out,with the proportion of 15.8%.The proportion of males was higher than that of females(16.3%vs 15.2%,χ^(2)=25.66,P<0.001).The proportion of patients at high risk of COPD increased with age,and those aged≥40 years were more likely to belong to the high-risk group(χ^(2)=18445.92,P<0.001).Compared with non-COPD high-risk group,in the high-risk group,more people smoked(60.2%vs 17.3%,χ^(2)=14756.54,P<0.001),more were exposed to second-hand smoke(47.2%vs 23.0%,χ^(2)=4349.43,P<0.001),more to long-term biofuels(42.8%vs 14.5%,χ^(2)=7629.38,P<0.001),more to occupational dust(coal mine dust,ore dust,casting dust,electric welding dust,etc.)(11.5%vs 4.9%,χ^(2)=1151.39,P<0.001),and more are involved in environmental or high-risk occupations(asbestos,beryllium,uranium,radon,diesel exhaust,soot,and soot,etc.)(8.0%vs 3.8%,χ^(2)=608.65,P<0.001).Conclusions The proportion of high-risk people of COPD in the elderly aged≥40 years increases accordingly;a history of smoking,second-hand smoke exposure,biofuel exposure,occupational dust exposure,and environmental or high-risk occupational exposure leads to high-risk COPD.In order to decrease the proportion,early screening and prevention should be carried out in the populations of different age groups,genders,and risk factors,thereby reducing the prevalence.
作者 吴建忠 黄可 雷洁萍 李薇 唐星瑶 杨汀 Wu Jianzhong;Huang Ke;Lei Jieping;Li Wei;Tang Xingyao;Yang Ting(Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2022年第12期917-921,共5页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目(2021-I2M-1-049)。
关键词 肺疾病 慢性阻塞性 高危人群 危险因素 中国县域慢阻肺管理中心 Pulmonary disease,chronic obstructive High-risk population Risk factors China County COPD Standardization Management Center
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