
ITER计划实验包层项目概述 被引量:2

Overview of the ITER TBM program
摘要 产氚包层技术是未来发展聚变能源所必须解决的关键技术,且是三大难题之一,国内外对此均开展了大量的研究工作。国际热核聚变实验堆(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,ITER)将是世界上第一座核聚变实验堆,可为验证产氚包层技术提供真实的聚变环境,参与ITER实验包层(Test Blanket Module,TBM)项目是当前各参与方获得和掌握产氚包层技术唯一途径。本文简要介绍了ITER TBM项目的内容、必要性、运行策略及组织实施情况,概述了TBM项目的发展及ITER窗口重大变更后的最新状态,梳理了ITER TBM项目各参与方当前的研究进展,并就后续重点研究工作进行了展望。ITER TBM项目的成功实施将为未来聚变能发展奠定坚实的科学和工程基础,希望本文能为中国聚变工程试验堆(China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor,CFETR)包层的设计与研发提供有价值的参考。 The tritium breeding blanket(TBB)technology is one of the key technologies to be solved and also one of three major issues in the development of fusion reactor in the future.The international thermonuclear experimental reactor(ITER)will be the first nuclear fusion experimental reactor in the world whilst ITER test blanket module(TBM)program is the only way to test and validate the tritium breeding blanket technologies under a real fusion environment at present.The successful implementation of ITER TBM program will provide a solid scientific and engineering foundation for fusion energy development.This paper briefly introduces the content,necessity,strategy,organizing and implementation of ITER TBM program,and summarizes the development status and achievement of test blanket system(TBS)made by the participants of ITER members.Prospects of the TBS research activities for the next phase and subsequent research focuses are presented.It is expected to provide valuable references for tritium breeding blanket design and development of China fusion engineering test reactor(CFETR),as well as the development of the TBB technologies.
作者 盛倩 吴姝琴 王晓宇 赵奉超 罗晓芳 钱小勇 罗德隆 SHENG Qian;WU Shuqin;WANG Xiaoyu;ZHAO Fengchao;LUO Xiaofang;QIAN Xiaoyong;LUO Delong(China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center,Beijing 100037,China;Southwestern Institute of Physics,Chengdu 610000,China)
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1-11,共11页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 ITER计划 TBM项目 氚增殖 实验包层 ITER TBM program Tritium breeding Testing blanket module
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