
直齿轮齿面非均匀磨损对模态特性的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Non-uniform Wear on Modal Characteristics of Spur Gears
摘要 研究准静态工况下齿面非均匀磨损对齿轮模态特性的影响。根据Hertz接触理论和Archard公式建立准静态磨损模型,对齿轮齿面磨损情况进行数值仿真。计算结果表明,主、从动轮的齿顶处和齿根处磨损较大,其中,齿顶处磨损量小于齿根处,主动轮的齿根位置磨损量最大,节点处齿轮做纯滚动,不产生磨损,在单齿、双齿啮合区交替处磨损量有突变。在此基础上,按数值分析结果施加齿面磨损故障,导入到Abaqus中进行仿真,进一步分析了磨损前后齿轮的模态特性。仿真结果表明,齿轮具有丰富的振动形态,磨损对振型影响不明显,但固有频率出现明显升高,其中,7~10阶的高阶固有频率增大幅度要高于低阶固有频率增大的幅度。 The influence of non-uniform wear on the modal characteristics of gears under quasi-static condition is studied.Based on Hertz contact theory and Archard formula,a quasi-static wear model is estab⁃lished to simulate the wear of gear tooth surfaces.The calculation results show that the wear at the top and root of the driving and driven gears is larger,the wear at the top is smaller than that at the root,the wear at the root of the driving gears is the largest.The pure rolling of the gear at the node does not cause wear,and the wear at the alternation of single tooth and double tooth meshing zones has a mutation.Based on the numerical analysis re⁃sults,the tooth surface wear fault is applied and imported into Abaqus for simulation,and the modal character⁃istics of the gear before and after wear are further analyzed.The simulation results show that the gear has a vari⁃ety of vibration modes,the effect of wear on the vibration modes is not obvious,the natural frequency increases significantly,the increase amplitude of the high natural frequency of the seventh order to the tenth order is high⁃er than that of the low order natural frequency.
作者 卢凯文 赵娟 孙杰 谭梦华 刘松年 Lu Kaiwen;Zhao Juan;Sun Jie;Tan Menghua;Liu Songnian(School of Mechanical&Automotive Engineering,Qingdao University of Technology,Qingdao 266500,China)
出处 《机械传动》 北大核心 2022年第7期31-37,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Transmission
关键词 直齿轮 齿面磨损 Archard模型 模态分析 Spur gears Gear surface wear Archard model Modal analysis
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