海上风机(OWT)因其高度大、横截面小,在风、浪联合作用下极易产生振动和变形.目前工业建筑领域常用的被动控制方法,如调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)、多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)、调谐液体柱型阻尼器(TLCD)等被广泛应用于控制海上风机在极端和疲劳工况下的结构反应.针对5 MW导管架式海上风机结构开展被动控制研究,建立了随机激励作用下海上风机一阶弯曲自由度和TMD水平运动自由度的两自由度简化数值仿真模型,以塔筒顶部位移标准差为优化目标,利用人工蜂群(ABC)算法对TMD的刚度及阻尼参数进行优化.在FAST中建立了空气动力-水动力-结构动力-控制系统整体耦合仿真模型并进行动力分析,对优化后的单频TMD在正常和停机工况下的适用性及其减振机理进行研究.结果表明:基于两自由度简化模型并以人工蜂群算法优化后的TMD可有效降低塔筒顶部位移标准差;在停机工况下,塔筒顶部位移的主控频率为海上风机基频,所提出的TMD简化优化设计模型是合理的,可用于开展对导管架式海上风机一阶模态的TMD参数优化设计;在正常工况下,塔筒顶部位移的主控频率为风频,在此工况下海上风机响应的控制需要考虑风、浪随机激励的影响.
Due to its large height and small cross section,offshore wind turbine(OWT)is prone to vibration and deformation under the wind and waves.The passive control method commonly applied in the field of industrial buildings,such as the tuned mass damper(TMD),multiple tuned mass damper(MTMD)and tuned liquid column damper(TLCD)is widely used to control the structural response of the OWT under extreme and fatigue conditions.The research on passive control of 5 MW jacket-type OWT is carried out.Simplified numerical simulation model with two degrees of freedom(2-DOF),the OWT first order bending degree of freedom and the TMD horizontal movement degree of freedom is established under random excitation.The stiffness and damping parameters of TMD are optimized by artificial bee colony(ABC)algorithm with the standard deviation of the tower top displacement as the optimization objective.The aerodynamic-hydrodynamic-structural dynamic-control system fully coupled simulation model is established in FAST for dynamic analysis,the applicability of optimized single-frequency TMD and the mechanism of reducing vibration under operational and parked conditions are studied.The result shows that the TMD based on the 2-DOF simplified model and optimized by the artificial bee colony algorithm can effectively reduce the standard deviation of the tower top displacement.The dominant frequency of the tower top displacement is the fundamental frequency of the OWT under the parked condition,the simplified optimization design model of TMD is reasonable and can be applied to the optimization design of TMD parameters for the first order mode of the jacket-type OWT.The wind frequency dominates the structural responses under the operation states,so for the control of the responses of OWT under such load cases,the influence of random excitation of wind and wave should be considered.
LU Dongzhe;WANG Wenhua;LI Xin;HAN Fucheng;LI Ying(State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;Chinese-German Institute for Applied Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China)
Journal of Dalian University of Technology