The ultralow detection threshold,ultralow intrinsic background,and excellent energy resolution of ptype point-contact germanium detectors are important for rare-event searches,in particular for the detection of direct dark matter interactions,coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering,and neutrinoless double beta decay.Anomalous bulk events with an extremely fast rise time are observed in the CDEX-1B detector.We report a method of extracting fast bulk events from bulk events using a pulse shape simulation and reconstructed source experiment signature.Calibration data and the distribution of X-rays generated by intrinsic radioactivity verified that the fast bulk experienced a single hit near the passivation layer.The performance of this germanium detector indicates that it is capable of single-hit bulk spatial resolution and thus provides a background removal technique.
supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2017YFA0402203)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11975162)
the SPARK project of the research and innovation program of Sichuan University(No.2018SCUH0051)。