
算法解释在民法中的体系定位与类型区分 被引量:8

The Systemic Positioning and Typological Distinction of Algorithmic Interpretationin Civil Law
摘要 从民法视角观察,个人信息应作为法益保护。针对自动化决策的算法解释实际上是人格权衍生的非独立请求权,无需单独创设一项算法解释权。算法解释在合同领域中可被纳入保护义务的范畴,在侵权领域中则具有过错评价的功能,当个人信息处理者无法解释或拒绝解释时,可推定其存在过错。为保护个人信息处理者的商业秘密,减轻其解释负担,《个人信息保护法》第24条第3款所规定的算法解释应区分为事前解释与事后解释两种类型,两者在要件构造与解释程度上存在区别。事前解释应限定于“可能产生重大影响”的敏感个人信息处理场合,事后解释则发生在“对个人权益已经产生重大影响”的自动化决策场合。事前解释义务的程度应低于事后解释义务,二者分别对应对系统功能的抽象解释和对具体决策的详细解释。因重大影响产生实际损害后,个人信息主体可通过主张违约或侵权损害赔偿责任实现救济。对事前解释义务的意定免除若违反《民法典》第497条或第506条应为无效,但事后解释义务及其衍生的损害赔偿请求权可被免除。 From a civil law perspective,personal information should be protected as a legal interest.The algorithmic interpretation of automated decision-making is in fact a non-independent claim derived from personality rights and does not require the creation of a separate right of algorithmic interpretation.In the field of contract,algorithmic interpretation can be included in the scope of the duty of protection,while in the field of tort,it has the function of fault evaluation,and when the personal information processor is unable to explain or refuses to explain,it can be presumed to be at fault.In order to protect the commercial secrets of personal information processors and reduce their burden of interpretation,the algorithmic interpretation stipulated in Article 24(3)of the Personal Information Protection Law shall be distinguished into two types:ex ante interpretation and ex post interpretation,which differ in terms of the construction of the elements and the degree of interpretation.The ex ante interpretation shall be limited to the handling of sensitive personal information that“may have a significant impact”,while the ex post interpretation shall occur in the case of automated decisions that“already have a significant impact on the rights and interests of individuals”.The duty of ex ante interpretation should be lower than that of the ex post interpretation,which corresponds to an abstract interpretation of the system’s function and a detailed interpretation of a specific decision respectively.In the event of actual damage arising from the material impact,the subject of personal data may claim liability for damages in breach of contract or tort.Intentional exemptions from the obligation to interpret ex ante shall be void if they violate Article 497 or Article 506 of the Civil Code,but the obligation to interpret ex post and the right to claim damages arising therefrom may be exempted.
作者 胡巧莉 刘征峰 Hu Qiaoli;Liu Zhengfeng
出处 《财经法学》 CSSCI 2022年第4期67-82,共16页 Law and Economy
关键词 算法解释 个人信息权益 自动化决策 重大影响 algorithmic interpretation interest in personal information automated decision-making significant impact
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