
差别权重政策下的闭环供应链减排与定价决策 被引量:1

Pricing Decisions and Emission Reduction of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Under Differential Weighting Policy
摘要 制定政策激励企业的再制造行为、促进消费者积极参与经济社会的低碳发展,是政府以及社会各界为实现经济可持续发展需要重点考虑的问题。考虑投放至目标市场的新产品和再制造产品在生产过程中存在碳排放差异、消费者对新产品和再制造产品的消费意愿不同,假设政府针对新产品和再制造产品分别实施差别权重的税收和补贴政策,并建立闭环供应链博弈模型。研究发现,针对再制造产品的差别权重补贴政策能够提高产品需求量、鼓励制造商参与废旧产品的回收再制造;针对新产品的税收政策能抑制新产品的生产、减少不必要的碳排放;降低减排成本和加强低碳宣传不但能够提高闭环供应链利润还可以促进闭环供应链减排。 Making policies to encourage the enterprises to remanufacture and to promote the consumers to actively participate in the low-carbon development of economy and society is the key issue that the government and all sectors of society need to lay emphasis on in order to achieve sustainable economic development.In view of the carbon emission differences in the production process between new products and remanufactured products,and the consumption willingness differences of the consumers on new products and remanufactured products,it is assumed that the government implements differentiated tax and subsidy policies for new products and remanufactured products.Based on this,we have established a closed-loop supply chain game model.The conclusions are as follows:the differential weighting subsidy policy for remanufactured products can improve product demand and encourage the manufacturers to recycle and remanufacture;the tax policy for new products can inhibit the production of new products and reduce unnecessary carbon emissions;reducing the cost of emission reduction and improving low carbon awareness can not only improve the profit of closed-loop supply chain but also promote the emission reduction of closed-loop supply chain.
作者 周仁 周楠 陈会英 ZHOU Ren;ZHOU Nan;CHEN Huiying(College of Economics and Management, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266590, China;College of Finance and Economics, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Taian, Shandong 271000, China)
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期100-112,共13页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(17BJY129)。
关键词 差别权重政策 闭环供应链 消费者低碳偏好 低碳减排 differential weighting policy closed-loop supply chain consumers’preference for low carbon products low carbon awareness and emission reduction
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