弹簧参数是影响灌溉稳流器性能的重要因素,为了更好地研究灌溉稳流器的调节性能,需要为灌溉稳流器选配合适的弹簧参数。通过理论推导建立了灌溉稳流器的进出口压差数学模型,基于FLUENT软件,计算了不同调节芯体位移的灌溉稳流器数值模型,求解了进出口压差数学模型的未知系数及函数。结果表明:进出口压差数学模型能够描述调节芯体位移与流量的变化关系,通过进出口压差数学模型计算可以得到灌溉稳流器在不同弹簧参数作用下的进出口压差-流量特性曲线。弹簧参数对灌溉稳流器性能的影响规律为:弹簧刚度或弹簧预压缩量越大,灌溉稳流器的起调压差越高、调节区间范围越大。研究的灌溉稳流器优选的弹簧参数为:弹簧刚度5.0 N/mm,弹簧预压缩量2.5 mm;根据优选结果实际选配的弹簧参数为:弹簧刚度5.15 N/mm,弹簧预压缩量2.5 mm。对选配的弹簧进行试验验证,结果表明灌溉稳流器的起调压差为0.127 MPa,调节区间为0.127~0.384 MPa,流量稳定在640 L/h左右;数学模型计算流量与实测流量的调节规律一致,流量实测值略大于数学模型计算值,二者偏差在5.64%以内。研究结果提供了一种灌溉稳流器弹簧选配的方法,可以提高灌溉稳流器的研发效率。
Spring parameters have an important effect on the performance of the irrigation flow stabilizer.In order to better study the flow regulation performance of the irrigation flow regulator,it is necessary to choose appropriate spring parameters for the irrigation flow regulator.In this paper,the mathematical model of the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the irrigation flow stabilizer was established through theoretical derivation.Based on the FLUENT software,the numerical models of the different displacement of the adjustment core of the irrigation flow stabilizer were calculated,and the unknown coefficient and function of the mathematical model of the inlet and outlet pressure difference were solved.The results showed that the mathematical model of the inlet and outlet pressure difference described the relationship between the displacement of the adjustment core and the outflow of the irrigation flow stabilizer,and the inlet and outlet differential pressure flow characteristic curves of the irrigation flow stabilizer with different spring parameters could be obtained by calculating the mathematical model of the inlet and outlet pressure difference.The influence of spring parameters on the flow regulation performance of the irrigation flow stabilizer was as follows:the greater the spring stiffness and its pre-compression amount,the higher the starting pressure difference and the larger the adjustment interval.The optimized spring parameters were stiffness of 5.0 N/mm and spring pre-compression length of 2.5 mm.The spring with the stiffness of 5.15 N/mm and pre-compression length of 2.5 mm was selected for test verification and the test results showed that the starting pressure difference was 0.127 MPa,the flow adjustment interval range was 0.127~0.384 MPa,and the flow rate was stable at about 640 L/h of the irrigation flow stabilizer.The flow calculated by the mathematical model was consistent with the regulation of the measured flow.The measured flow value was slightly larger than the calculated value of the mathematical model,and the deviation between the two was within 5.64%.The results of this study provide a method for selecting the spring of the irrigation stabilizer,which can improve the research and development efficiency of the irrigation stabilizer.
LIANG Jin-lian;WU Shou-jun;FENG Ying-jun;ZHU De-lan(College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi Province,China;Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas,Ministry of Education,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi Province,China)
Water Saving Irrigation
irrigation flow stabilizer
inlet and outlet pressure difference
mathematical model
spring parameters