
论海南参与南海海洋命运共同体建设的定位及路径 被引量:1

Roles and Paths of Hainan in Building the Shared Future of the South China Sea Maritime Community
摘要 通过梳理和界定海洋命运共同体这一重要倡议的具体内涵与外延,发现南海在为国家间海洋争端友好协商和平解决创造范例,给区域蓝色伙伴关系建设提供经验,探索构建以规则为基础的区域安全新秩序3个方面肩负着特殊使命。具体到海南,其在南海海洋命运共同体构建中承担着空间、功能、角色3个方面的特殊定位。海南虽然面临内生性挑战和外部干扰因素的双重阻力,但通过合理的空间布局和创新性的产业规划,有望把自身先天具有的地缘优势、深化改革开放和建设自由贸易港赋予的制度创新和政策红利等转化为参与南海命运共同体建设的实际成效。 Hainan is entitled to govern the waters and islands claimed by China in the South China Sea and is surrounded by the sea and nine Southeast Asian countries.Hainan plays an extremely special role in the systematic building of a maritime community with a shared future between China and ASEAN countries.Although the roles of Hainan in the implementation of such a maritime community are not decided,the present study clearly discusses the concept of a maritime community with a shared future from multiple perspectives,and provides a framework for Hainan's role in the community.Hainan has a three dimensional role in the systematic cooperation between China and Southeast countries to build a maritime community:a forward base,an important strategic fulcrum,and a pioneer officer.The special policy advantages of building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics will provide impetus for Hainan to transform these advantages into practical effects.However,objective factors such as the South China Sea disputes,the small scale of the Hainan marine industry,and deficiency of marine research capability have caused a"containment effect"to some extent.This paper argues that Hainan can optimize its spatial and industrial layout by scientifically planning the development of marine industry,relying on the top-level design of the government and guided by the special policy arrangements of free trade port with Chinese characteristics,in order to cope with the challenges posed by politics and relatively lagging development.Certainly,two aspects still need to be further discussed:Hainan overcoming the effects of maritime disputes,and competing for leadership in the renewal of the regional marine industrial system.
作者 于涛 陈相秒 Yu Tao;Chen Xiangmiao(Research Center for Hainan Free Trade Port Studies,National Institute for South China Sea Studies,Haikou 571100,China;Depart for Ocean Science Studies,National Institute for South China Sea Studies,Haikou 571100,China)
出处 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1180-1189,共10页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家社科重大项目“军民融合战略下海上通道安全法治保障研究”(18ZDA155)。
关键词 海洋命运共同体 南海 海南 中国特色自由贸易港 Maritime community with a shared future South China Sea Hainan free trade port with Chinese characteristics
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