

The Unique Value of Classical Self-cultivation Philosophy in Contemporary Philosophical Therapy
摘要 哲学咨询是现代西方实践哲学的新范式,旨在发掘哲学的思想治疗功效。但因缺少具有深度的实践体系,哲学咨询往往止步于改变主体观念与认知层面。作为精神修习与生活方式的西方古典修身哲学,为哲学之思想治疗的可能性与合法性提供了重要的立论前提与内在根据,也是哲学咨询最为根本和直接的源头。鉴于此,哲学咨询学科若要建构出一套具有深度的理论和行之有效的方法体系,势必需要进一步拓宽在发掘古典修身哲学资源方面的深度和广度。以此,也能助益于哲学咨询突围破困,澄清与应对不同层面的质疑,真正实现自我的哲学关怀。 Philosophical counseling is a new paradigm of modern western practical philosophy which purpose to explore the therapeutic effects of philosophy.However,due to the lack of an in-depth practical system,philosophical counseling often stops at changing the subject's concept and cognition.As a spiritual exercise and way of life,the Western classical philosophy of self-cultivation provides an important premise and internal basis for the possibility and legitimacy of philosophical thought therapy,and it is also the most fundamental and direct source of Western philosophical counseling.In view of this,in order to construct a set of profound theory and effective method system,it is necessary to furtherly expand the depth and breadth of exploring the resources of classical self-cultivation philosophy.In this way,it is also helpful for the philosophical counseling to break through the difficulties,clarify and deal with the questions at different levels,and truly realize the philosophical concern of self.
作者 杨增艳 YANG Zengyan(School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092)
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2022年第7期11-20,共10页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
关键词 修身哲学 哲学咨询 哲学治疗 实践哲学 self-cultivation philosophy philosophical counseling philosophical therapy practical philosophy
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  • 4I. Davidson, "Introduction", p. 20, see in Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life: Sipritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault, English translated by Michael Chase, Basil Blackwetl Ltd. , 1995.
  • 5I. Davidson, "Introduction", p. 26, see in Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life: Sipritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault.
  • 6Hadot, "Les divisions des parties de la philosophie", see in I. Davidson, "Introduction", p. 26.
  • 7Hadot, "Presentation au College International de Philosophie", p. 4, see in I. Davidsor~, "Introduction", p. 26.
  • 8Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life: Sipritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault, p. 86.
  • 9D. L. VII. 110
  • 10M. C. Nussabaum, "The Stoic on the extripation of the passions", Apeiroa 20 (1987), pp. 129 -177.









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