
性能导向的设计初期能耗优化方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Performance-oriented Energy Optimization Method in Early Stage Building Design
摘要 设计初期能耗模拟优化可获得较高的节能效果提升,为解决能耗模拟工具和所需技术知识较复杂的问题,在保证足够精度水平的条件下,提出标准化模型简化方法和基于敏感性判断的设计参数分析方法来进行综合能耗优化,并以北京地区一实际项目做为案例进行分析。分析结果显示,受不同气候条件、周边场地环境和建筑形体的影响,影响具体项目能耗指标的设计参数的敏感性存在差异,只有获得了具体项目的不同设计参数的敏感性分析结果,才能为设计人员提供同时满足性能优化和技术经济目标的方案分析和决策依据。 Energy consumption simulation optimization in early stage building design can achieve higher energy saving result.In order to solve the problem of complex use of energy simulation tools and the need for sufficient technical knowledge,under the condition of ensuring a sufficient level of accuracy,a standardized model simplification method and a design parameter analysis method based on sensitivity judgments are proposed for comprehensive energy consumption optimization,and an actual project in Beijing area is used as a case for analysis.The analysis results show that the sensitivity of the design parameters of different projects is different due to the influence of different climatic conditions,surrounding site environment and building shapes.Only when the sensitivity analysis results of the different design parameters of the specific project are obtained,the designer can effectively analyze and make decisions,and meet the goals of performance optimization and cost-effective.
作者 蒋璋 JIANG Zhang(China Academy of Building Research;National Construction Engineering Technology Research Center;Beijing Green Building Design Engineering Technology Research Center)
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2022年第6期65-68,71,共5页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 设计初期 性能导向 能耗简化模型 early stage building design performance oriented energy consumption simplification model
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