
大学与中小学融合型合作关系及其构建——基于共生哲学的视角 被引量:2

The Integrated Cooperative Relationship Between Universities and Primary and Secondary Schools and Its Construction: Based on the Perspective of Symbiosis Philosophy
摘要 大学与中小学合作自20世纪兴起以来,受到教育学界的关注。走向“共生”是大学与中小学合作的发展取向,也是新时代赋予教师教育的使命。共生的本质是指不同生物之间所形成的互相依赖和互惠互利的紧密关系。基于共生哲学的大学与中小学融合型合作是指大学与中小学双方基于理解、认同、接纳彼此文化的合作。这种合作不仅能促使教育理论与教育实践的积极互动,而且有利于促进双方协同发展,从而实现共创、共赢、共生。然而,在加强校地合作、推进协同育人、深化教育综合改革的过程中,大学与中小学合作依然存在双方对合作共生的必要性认识不足、缺乏合作共生的目标与内容、合作主体的共生性迷失、推动合作共生的相关行政组织缺位、合作模式的共生性与开放性缺失等问题。因此,大学与中小学融合型合作关系的构建,应以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持共生逻辑,摒弃“二分思维”模式,注重“求同存异”推进一体化发展;发挥自身优势,促进合作双方共同趋优与协同创新;均衡资源分配,促进平等、互惠、共生。 Since its rise in the 20 th century, the cooperation between universities and primary and se-condary schools has attracted the attention of the educational circle. Based a literature review of the cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools in China, it is found that “symbi-osis” is the development orientation of the cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools in view of the mission of teacher education in the new era. The essence of symbiosis refers to the close relationship of mutual dependence and mutual benefit formed by some contact between different species. Based on symbiotic philosophy theory, the cooperative relationship of integration between universities and primary secondary schools is the cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools to understand, identify and accept each other’s culture, which can promote the positive interaction between educational theory and educational practice, and is conducive to promoting the collaborative development of both sides and realizing a win-win situation. However, there are some problems in the current cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools, such as insufficient understanding of the necessity of symbiotic cooperation, lack of symbiotic cooperation goals and contents, the loss of symbiotic cooperation subjects, the absence of administrative organizations for symbiotic cooperation resources, and the lack of symbiotic openness of cooperation mode. Therefore, the construction of an integrated cooperative relationship between universities and primary and secondary schools should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the logic of symbiosis, should abandon the dichotomy mode of thinking and emphasize the integration of “homogeneity and diversity”,take advantage of yourself to promote common excellence, balanced resource allocation to achieve symbiotic symbiosis.
作者 马香莲 邵怡雯 MA Xianglian;SHAO Yiwen(School of Education,Baoji University of Arts and Sciences,Baoji 721016,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2022年第4期10-18,共9页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度教育部重点课题“西部民族地区乡村教师质量提升问题研究”(DMA180301),项目负责人:马香莲 2022年宝鸡文理学院教师发展中心研究项目“乡村振兴背景下地方高校‘育情怀、强素质、重实践’教师教育人才培养模式的探索与实践”(22JF02),项目负责人:马多秀。
关键词 大学与中小学合作 融合型合作关系 合作共生 求同存异 平等互惠 协同创新 cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools integrative partnership symbiotic cooperation homogeneity and heterogeneity equality and mutual benefit collaborative innovation
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