At the end of Chapter 24,Volume 1 of the Chinese version of Capital,Marx mentions“gives him individual property”,which arouses intellectual debate in China for more than 40 years.Its understanding requires the knowledge of Marx’s political economics,his philosophy and thought on communism,and his advocacy of human liberation.He promotes“gives him individual property”on the basis of the achievements during the age of capitalism,i.e.the basis of cooperation and joint possession of land and the means of production produced by labor.His“gives him individual property”has inner link with his thought on community,which must be made clear theoretically and proved by the analysis of samples in practice for revising the Chinese version of Capital from the perspective of linguistics.
HU Weixiong(Department of Philosophy,Party School of the Central Committee of CPC﹝National Academy of Governance﹞,Beijing 100091)
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong