浮式生产储油卸油装置(Floating Production Storage and Offloading,FPSO)在作业过程中存在与补给船、穿梭油船及周边其他过往船舶碰撞的风险,引发的后果比较严重,在设计阶段对其开展结构碰撞损伤分析尤为必要。以一艘在巴西海域服役的大型改装FPSO为例,采用LS-DYNA软件对其开展碰撞损伤风险定量评估,预测FPSO主体结构的破损范围,从而验证其改装设计的可靠性。在此基础上,提出大型FPSO应对碰撞风险的具体方案,为类似海洋工程项目的开展提供参考。
The collision between FPSO(Floating Production Storage and Offloading)and offshore supply vessel,shuttle tanker or other ship navigating in surrounding waters has been one of the main risks.The collision event is of typical low probability and high consequence category.Therefore,it's particularly necessary to carry out the structural collision damage analysis in advance.Taking a large dispatching FPSO serving in Brazilian sea area as an example,this paper quantitatively evaluates the FPSO collision damage risk with the help of LS-DYNA software to predict the damage range of the main structure of the FPSO,and verify the structural strength of the FPSO hull against the impact.At the same time,the specific solutions for collision risk reduction in practical engineering are put forward with the wish to provide reference for the FPSO design.
ZHENG Kexiong(COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry(Dalian)Co.,Ltd.,Dalian 116113,China)
Journal of Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute