

The Practice of Aalborg Model in Construction of the Golden Course--Taking Air-conditioning Engineering Major as Case
摘要 奥尔堡大学基于问题和项目导向的教学模式为我国当前工程教育要回归工程实践的发展需求提供了可借鉴的宏观教育理念。根据该模式的核心特点,对建筑环境与能源应用工程专业核心专业课“空调工程”进行了项目导向的线上线下教学实践。实践结果表明该模式对学生学习兴趣、主动学习能力和日常学习行为管理的培养等方面有显著提高。通过科技竞赛的外部检验表明实施了项目导向教学后学生解决工程问题的能力得到提升,创新思维得到锻炼。 The Aalborg problem-based and project-oriented teaching and learning model provides a macro education concept for development of engineering education in China according to the tide of returning to engineering practice in education.According to the core characteristics of this model,a project-oriented online and offline teaching practice was carried out for the core professional course"air conditioning engineering"of the Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering major.Practical results show that this model has significantly improved students'learning interest,active learning ability and daily learning behavior management.The external test of science and technology competition shows that students'ability to solve engineering problems has been improved after the implementation of project-oriented teaching,and student’s innovative thinking has been exercised.
作者 屈元 黄翔 强天伟 孙铁柱 赵娟 Qu Yuan;Huang Xiang;Qiang Tianwei;Sun Tiezhu;Zhao Juan(Xi'an Polytechnic University,Xi'an,710048)
机构地区 西安工程大学
出处 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2022年第3期502-507,共6页 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
基金 国家留学基金委地方合作项目“高等教育教学法出国研修项目”(留金法[2018]5028) 西安工程大学校级教改项目(19JGYB24) 西安工程大学2020年一流本科课程建设项目。
关键词 奥尔堡模式 PBL 项目导向 线上线下教学 工程教育 Aalborg Model PBL project-oriented online and offline teaching engineering education
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