
余姚市2016—2020年人工流产中学生艾滋病知晓和安全套使用情况 被引量:4

Awareness of AIDS and use of condom among middle school students who have induced abortion in Yuyao City, 2016-2020
摘要 目的 了解浙江省余姚市2016—2020年施行门诊人工流产(以下简称人流)手术的在校中学生安全套使用情况,为采取有效的干预策略提供依据。方法 采用自行设计的人流人员安全套使用情况问卷,调查2016—2020年在余姚市人民医院妇科门诊手术室行人流手术的274名在校中学生艾滋病知晓和安全套使用情况,并对有关指标的组间差异进行χ;检验。结果 人流学生关于“艾滋病可通过性接触传播”“正确使用安全套可降低艾滋病经性接触传播风险”的知晓率分别为93.80%(257名)和91.24%(250名)。近半年内使用安全套的占17.88%(49名),其中每次使用者占5.47%(15名)、偶尔使用者占12.41%(34名),82.12%(225名)的人流学生从不使用安全套。每次和偶尔使用安全套的人流学生正确使用安全套的占18.37%(9名)。不使用安全套的前3位原因依次为认为偶尔一次就怀孕不会这么凑巧(16.44%,37/225);觉得用起来很麻烦(14.67%,33/225);根本没想到要用,更没想到防病(14.22%,32/225)。结论 余姚市人流中学生相关艾滋病知识知晓率较高,而安全套使用率、正确使用率很低。应通过有针对性的性教育和干预,提高安全套正确使用率。 Objective To understand the use of condom among middle school students after outpatient abortion operation, so as to provide a basis for safe sex education and intervention. Methods The questionnaire survey on condom use was conducted among the middle school students who had abortion operation in obstetric and gynecologic out-patient clinic of Yuyao People’s Hospital from 2016 to 2020. Group differences were compared by using Chi-square test. Results A total of 274 middle school students were investigated. The awareness rates on "AIDS can be transmitted through sexual contact" and "correct use of condoms can reduce the risk of AIDS through sexual transmission" were 93.80% and 91.24% respectively. The rate of condom’s usage was 17.88% in the past 6 months, 5.47% of participants used condoms every time, 12.41% used condoms occasionally, and 82.12% never used condoms. About 18.37% of participants who used condoms every time or occasionally could use correctly. The top three reasons were "I don’t think it’s so coincidental to get pregnant once in a while"(16.44%), "I think it’s very troublesome to use it"(14.67%), "I didn’t expect to use it, let alone prevent diseases"(14.22%). Conclusion Yuyao City flow of students related AIDS knowledge awareness rate is high, and the condom utilization rate, the correct utilization rate is very low. According to the main reasons of not wearing condoms, do a good job of the correct use of condom publicity, through targeted sex education and intervention, to achieve the purpose of from "knowledge" to "faith" and ultimately to "practice".
作者 赵伟江 缪秋月 施月英 ZHAO Weijiang;MIAO Qiuyue;SHI Yueying(Yuyao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Yuyao(315400),Zhejiang Province,China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期860-863,868,共5页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 流产 人工 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 健康教育 避孕套 学生 Abortion induced Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Health education Condoms Students
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