
数字经济下虚拟集聚的现实基础与应用 被引量:14

Realistic foundation and application of virtual agglomeration in digital economy
摘要 虚拟集聚是数字经济的产业组织形态,是数字经济下资源重新配置的方式,已经渗入人们经济生活的各个方面,从集聚效应、新动能、新认识、新增长点等维度剖析虚拟集聚的现实基础,研究虚拟集聚对制造业的冲击及其在数字经济下的新应用。研究认为,网络空间的虚拟集聚是以“网”为基础、以“台”为依托、以“云”为支撑、以“端”为条件,虚拟集聚是集聚在数字经济下的演进,是在网络空间的集聚,具有智能物流、交易费用、空间范围、信息匹配、知识溢出、弱化黑洞、资源配置等集聚效应;新一轮科技革命、产业变革与中国制造强国梦形成历史性交汇,促使虚拟集聚应运而生,并且成为新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合的新动能,能够显著促进产业数字化和数字产业化,带动传统产业集群转型升级,培育出世界级的先进制造业集群,推动中国制造迈向全球产业链价值链顶端;虚拟集聚下制造业的关键核心是互联,在应用中需要产业数字化和数字产业化相辅相成,需要技术的支撑,表现为高度自动化、高度信息化和高度网络化,横向集成、纵向集成与端到端的集成,虚拟集聚的生产要素和生产力都是在虚拟空间体现,将推动制造业数字化转型、网络化协调、智能化变革;随着新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延,虚拟集聚成为新经济增长点,国际供应链中的虚拟集聚显著增长,跨境电商兴起,外贸行业快速数字化发展,教育行业、学术会议借助网络和软件线上进行,线上办公、云端会展快速流行,网络与快递业、餐饮与外卖业、短视频与直播经济、云医疗与大健康迅猛发展,数字阅读、文娱产业线上流行成为新的生活方式,元宇宙的虚拟世界也将推动科技发展带来经济新增长点。 Virtual agglomeration is a form of industrial organization in digital economy and a way of resource reallocation in digital economy,which has penetrated into all aspects of people's economic life.This paper analyzes the realistic foundation of virtual agglomeration from the dimensions of agglomeration effect,new dynamic energy,new understanding and new growth point,and studies the impact of virtual agglomeration on the manufacturing industry and its new application in digital economy.The research shows that virtual agglomeration in cyberspace is based on the“Internet”and“platform”,supported by the“cloud”,and subject to the“terminal”.The virtual agglomeration is the evolution of agglomeration in the digital economy and the agglomeration in cyberspace,which has the agglomeration effects of intelligent logistics,transaction cost,spatial scope,information matching,knowledge spillover,weakening black hole and resource allocation.The new round of scientific and technological revolution,industrial change and the dream of China to become a strong nation in manufacturing all occur in the same period in a historic sense,which prompted the virtual agglomeration to come into being and become the new dynamic energy for the in-depth integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry.It can significantly promote the digitization of industries and digital industrialization,drive the transformation and upgrading of traditional industrial clusters,cultivate world-class advanced manufacturing clusters,and boost China's manufacturing to the top of the global industrial chain and value chain.The key of manufacturing industry under virtual agglomeration is interconnectivity,which requires the digitization of industries and digital industrialization to supplement and mutually reinforce each other,and requires the support of technology,manifested as high automation,high informationization and high networking,horizontal integration,vertical integration and end-to-end integration.The production factors and productivity of virtual agglomeration are embodied in virtual space,which will promote digital transformation,networked coordination and intelligent change of the manufacturing industry.With the global spread of Covid-19,virtual agglomeration becomes a new economic growth point,the virtual agglomeration in the international supply chain grows significantly,cross-border e-commerce emerges,foreign trade industry develops rapidly digitally,education industry,academic conferences are conducted online with the help of network and software,online office,cloud exhibition is rapidly popular,Internet and delivery industry,catering and take-away industry,short video and live streaming economy,cloud medical care and big health develop rapidly,digital reading,recreation industry becomes popular online as a new lifestyle,and the virtual world of Metaverse will also promote the development of science and technology to bring new economic growth points.
作者 王如玉 梁琦 WANG Ruyu;LIANG Qi(School of Economics and Trade,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510520,Guangdong,China;School of Business,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong,China)
出处 《长安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期34-52,共19页 Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(18ZDA066)。
关键词 数字经济 虚拟集聚 集聚效应 制造业 数字产业化 虚拟空间 智能智造 在线教育 直播经济 数字阅读 元宇宙 digital economy virtual agglomeration agglomeration effect manufacturing industry digital industrialization virtual space intelligent manufacturing online education live streaming economy digital reading Metaverse
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