The oceans,which account for 71%of the Earth’s area,and the polar regions,the largest cold source on Earth,jointly play crucial roles in energy exchange and circulation,and in climate change(e.g.McGuire,Chapin,Walsh,&Wirth,2006).In particular,against the background of global climate change,both the Arctic and Antarctic are experiencing profound changes(Bracegirdle,Connolley,&Turner,2008;Jeffries,Overland,&Perovich,2013),and the inter-actions between the oceans,polar regions and the atmosphere are closer than ever.Remote sensing has become one of the main research tools in ocean and polar studies(Lubin,Ayres,&Hart,2009).At the same time,the amount of acquired data is undergoing explosive growth(Ma et al.,2015),thus leading oceanography into the era of“big data”.