Summary What is already known about this topic?Low birth weight(LBW)significantly affects the health of children during the perinatal period,neonatal period,and infancy,and is an important risk factor for neonatal death.What is added by this report?The mortality rate of low birth weight infants(LBWI)decreased from 2004 to 2019 in China,while the proportion of overall infant deaths due to LBW increased.What are the implications for public health practices?A key way to reduce child mortality and improve children’s health is to reduce the occurrence of LBW and associated mortality.
Supported by grants from Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention“An intervention study to improve nutrition health literacy level of mothers/guardians with 0–3 year-old infant in Beijing city”(JY18-2-09)
Danone Nutrition Center dietary nutrition research and education Fund“Relationship between infant feeding patterns and overweight and obesity in children—a historical cohort study”(200901).