

Mineralogical Characteristics of Electroplating Sludge and Cumulative Enrichment and Distribution of Valuable Metals
摘要 通过实地调查采样与实验室分析相结合的方法,采用仪器分析研究了电镀污泥矿物学特征及有价金属累积性富集分布规律。结果表明:电镀污泥属于典型的非晶相物质,镀种对污泥中金属含量影响较大,两种镀镍污泥中镍含量为71.73%和76.34%,镀铬污泥中铬含量为19.91%,综合污泥含铁42.90%,含铜24.53%,含镍4.12%。XPS结果分析表明,有价金属多以氧化态及氢氧化态形式赋存。此外通过能谱分析揭示了Fe、Cu、O、Cr、P、S六种元素对镍赋存行为的2种不同的相关效应。 Through the combination of field investigation,sampling and laboratory analysis,the mineralogical characteristics of electroplating sludge and the cumulative enrichment and distribution of valuable metals were studied by instrumental analysis.The results show that electroplating sludge belongs to typical amorphous phase material,and the plating seed has a great influence on the content of sludge.The nickel content in the two kinds of nickel plating sludge is 71.73%and 76.34%,the chromium content in chromium plating sludge is 19.91%,and the comprehensive sludge contains 42.90%iron,24.53%copper and 4.12%nickel.XPS results show that most valuable metals exist in the form of oxidation and hydrogen oxidation.In addition,two different correlation effects of Fe,Cu,O,Cr,P and S on the occurrence behavior of nickel were revealed by energy spectrum analysis.
作者 黄从增 谭荣 张捷菲 HUANG Cong-zeng;TAN Rong;ZHANG Jie-fei(Hengfeng County Environmental Monitoring Station,Shangrao City,Jiangxi Province,Shangrao 334300,China;School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Nanchang Aviation University,Nanchang 330063,China)
出处 《安徽化工》 CAS 2022年第4期67-71,共5页 Anhui Chemical Industry
关键词 电镀污泥 有价金属 赋存物相 累计性分布 electroplating sludge valuable metals occurrence phase cumulative distribution
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