

A comparative study of the preface to the English versions of The She King in the 19th century
摘要 19世纪4部《诗经》英语全译本的序言颇具特色,理雅各1871年译本与1876年译本的序言是学术性译介导论的典范,詹宁斯译本序言侧重在中西文化比较的视野下对《诗经》知识的普及,阿连壁译本序言体现出《诗经》由经学向文学转变的趋势。这几部英译本序言以西方文化视角审视传统诗经学,批评传统解诗中穿凿附会的弊病,提倡用历史方法解诗,展开跨文化对话,促进《诗经》多元化阐释,推动《诗经》海外传播,具有重要的参考价值。 Based on comparative study of the prefaces to four English versions of The She King in the 19th century,it could be found that they are quite characteristic.The forewords to James Legge’s 1871 and 1876 versions are the model of the introduction to academic translation.The foreword to William Jennings’version focuses on the popularization of knowledge of The She King under the comparison between Chinese and Western culture,while Romilly Allen’s version reveals the trend that The She King changes from classics to literature.These prefaces to four versions examine the traditional studies subjects of The She King from the perspective of western culture,attack the forced analogy in the traditional interpretation of poetry,and advocate explaining poetry by historical methods.They not only carry out intercultural dialogue but promote the diversified interpretation of The She King.The four English versions have great reference value,which promotes the overseas dissemination of The She King.
作者 左岩 ZUO Yan(Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420,China)
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期79-83,共5页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(21YJC751040) 广东省哲学社会科学规划一般项目(GD20CZW05) 广东外语外贸大学阐释学研究院创新研究项目(CSY-2019-B-07)。
关键词 《诗经》 理雅各 詹宁斯 阿连壁 The She King James Legge William Jennings Clement Francis Romilly Allen
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