
基于国家、城市、企业的中国形象国际传播赋能结构与模式 被引量:6

The Empowerment Structure and Pattern for the International Dissemination of China’s National Image with the Joint Efforts of the State, Individual Cities, and Enterprises
摘要 近年来,西方中心主义思想主导下的国际舆论对中国发起猛烈攻击,面对复杂严峻的外部环境,基于赋能理论视角,构建以价值共创为核心,以国家、城市和企业为主要传播行为体的中国形象国际传播赋能结构,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。这一传播赋能结构基于国家、城市、企业3个维度,从宏观、中观、微观层面构建中国形象国际传播由点到线、由线到面再由面到网的价值共创行为体网络,旨在打通国际交往中的信息逆差,增强多元主体的整合优势和传播价值创造的持续驱动力。“一带一路”背景下,应当以企业“走出去”带动城市和国家形象的多维塑造,以中国形象国际传播赋能结构建设帮助中资企业品牌走出疫情下的贸易困局,以上下联动、软硬兼顾的形象传播艺术和形象传播效能促进中国综合国际竞争力的全面提升。这需要中国形象国际传播政策制定者、研究者和实践者扭转形象传播“自上而下、政府先行”的单一传统思路,构建“上下互动、全域沟通”的复合传播新路径,形成国家赋能、城市赋信、企业赋利的中国形象国际传播新模式。 In recent years, international public opinion dominated by Western-centrism has been hurling attacks on China. In face of a grave and complex external environment, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to construct an empowerment structure on the basis of empowerment theory, which centers on value co-creation and engages the state, individual cities, and enterprises to boost China’s global image. This dissemination empowerment structure, based on the three dimensions of the state, individual cities, and enterprises, builds a value cocreation network at macro-meso-micro levels, aiming to reverse the information deficit in international dissemination and increase the advantage of the collaboration at different levels and driving forces for sustainable development of dissemination value creation. In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), multidimensional efforts are required to boost city image and national image with enterprises going global, help Chinese enterprises and brands get out of the trade predicament during the pandemic with the construction of the empowerment structure to boost China’s global economy and make joint efforts at different levels and take a carrot-and-stick approach to enhance China’s comprehensive international competitiveness. To accomplish these tasks, decision-makers, researchers, and implementers of China’s policy in international dissemination of national image should give up the traditional top-down mentality with the government taking the lead, open up a new way for boosting China’s global image with a collaborative interconnected multi-level structure, and make it not only empower Chinese enterprises, but also enhance the credibility and bring benefits to them.
作者 戴永红 付乐 DAI Yong-hong;FU Le(School of Foreign Languages,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen,Guangdong,518060;School of Media and Communications,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen,Guangdong,518060)
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期5-14,共10页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 2022年度中国外文局国际传播能力建设研究协调机制课题“国际传播赋能我国海外利益发展与安全的叙事体系研究” 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“南亚国家政治法律环境与‘一带一路’建设研究”(16JJDGW014)。
关键词 中国形象 国际传播 赋能结构 价值共创 中资企业 China’s national image international dissemination empowerment structure value co-creation Chinese enterprises
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