
基于5W模式的高校图书馆数据素养教育体系构建分析 被引量:13

Analysis on the Construction of University Library Data Literacy Education System Based on 5W Model
摘要 成熟完善的数据素养教育体系可有效支撑高校图书馆数据素养教育的持续创新发展。高校图书馆数据素养教育本质是一种信息传播,可将传播学的5W模式应用于数据素养教育体系构建。基于5W模式,高校图书馆数据素养教育体系可划分为教育主体、教育内容、教育方式、教育客体与教育评价5个构建要素。可通过协同化、系统化、多元化、社会化、评估化等策略来实现高校图书馆数据素养教育体系构建。 A mature and perfect data literacy education system can effectively support the sustainable and innovative development of data literacy education in university libraries.The essence of data literacy education in university library is a kind of information dissemination.The 5W model of communication can be applied to the construction of data literacy education system.Based on the 5W model,the data literacy education system of university library can be divided into five construction elements which are educational subject,educational content,educational method,educational object and educational evaluation.The construction of university library data literacy education system can be realized through the strategies of collaboration,systematization,diversification,socialization and evaluation.
作者 万文娟 崔博雅 Wan Wenjuan;Cui Boya(Library of Guangxi Normal University;Library of Guilin University of Technology at Nanning)
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第7期10-14,28,共6页 Library
基金 广西人文社会科学发展研究中心“科学研究工程”2021年度项目“大数据时代高校图书馆数据素养教育体系构建研究”(项目编号:ZXTD202113)的研究成果之一。
关键词 5W模式 高校图书馆 数据素养 5W model University library Data literacy
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