
印度军事改革:动因、现状及困境 被引量:3

Indian Military Reform:Driving Force,Current Situation and Dilemma
摘要 军事改革是印度进行军事现代化建设的主要途径,也是国家军事力量赖以发展的重要基础。为更好地应对复杂多变的国家安全挑战,在内外因素的驱动下,莫迪政府正以空前的力度狠抓军事改革,竭力打破国防建设的桎梏。然而,在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球的大背景下,受国防军费长期不足、军事外交伙伴选择受限、国防参谋长一职再度空缺及军内争斗不断加剧等现实问题的影响,印度军改深入推进可谓举步维艰,而莫迪政府今后采取的措施也将切实关乎军改进程的未来发展。 Military reform is the main way for India to carry out its military modernization,and it is also an important basis for the development of the country's military power.In order to better cope with the complex and ever-changing national security challenges,driven by internal and external factors,the Modi government is making unprecedented efforts to carry out military reforms and strive to break the shackles of national defense construction.However,in the context of the raging global epidemic of COVID-19,the further advancement of the military reform of India is difficult,affected by practical problems such as the chronic shortage of defense spending,limited choice of military and diplomatic partners,the re-vacancy of the post of Chief of Defense Staff,and intensifying intra-military disputes.And the measures taken by the Modi government in the future will also affect the future development of the military reform process.
作者 袁群 黑然 Yuan Qun;Hei Ran(School of Marxism,Yunnan University,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China)
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2022年第7期50-58,共9页 Academic Exploration
基金 云南大学哲学社会科学创新团队项目(CY2262420219)。
关键词 印度 莫迪政府 军事改革 地区霸权 India the Modi government military reform regional hegemony
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