
Perceptions of fishers to sea turtle bycatch,illegal capture and consumption in the San Ignacio-Navachiste-Macapule lagoon complex,Gulf of California,Mexico

摘要 In this study, 10% of all registered fishermen in the coastal towns of Navachiste in Sinaloa, in northwestern Mexico, answered a survey designed to collect data on their perceptions of the following topics: the impact of turtle meat consumption;human health;bycatch;illegal turtle fishing;the illegal sea turtle market;the lo-cal economy;pollution;environmental education;the success of protective legislation;and sea turtle-based ec-otourism. Perceptions were analyzed using the fuzzy logic method through classification into 5 fuzzy member-ship sets: VL, very low;L, low;M, moderate;H, high;VH, very high. The 9 topics generated decision areas upon applying fuzzy inference that revealed the membership level of the answers in each fuzzy set. The eco-nomic potential of sea turtle-based ecotourism and the economic profitability of the illegal turtle meat market were perceived as VL. Conservation legislation was perceived as H, although inefficiently applied due to cor-ruption. Ecotourism and impacts on sea turtles were perceived as VL, because they were deemed unprofitable activities at the individual and community levels. Environmental education was perceived as L, because it cen-ters on nesting, hatching and releasing turtles and is directed at elementary and middle-school students. While fishers perceive a serious negative impact of fishing activities on sea turtles in the San Ignacio-Navachiste- Macapule area, they do not see themselves individually as part of the problem. Achieving sea turtle conserva-tion in this region requires: suitable ecotourism infrastructure, government investments in promotion, and stud-ies to estimate the minimum number of tourists needed to assure profitability.
出处 《Integrative Zoology》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期70-84,共15页 整合动物学(英文版)
基金 We thank the IPN(SIP 20080127,SIP 20090442),COECYT-SINALOA(CECyT-SIN 2009) FOMIX CONACYT-SINALOA(FOMIX-SIN-2008-C01-99712)for financial support.
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