
带分形孔垂荡板浮式风力机性能的大涡模拟分析 被引量:2

Large Eddy Simulation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Having Heave Plate with Fractal Holes
摘要 垂荡板作为一种能增加浮式支撑平台附加质量和水动力阻尼的被动装置,能抑制平台的运动响应,提高风力机的效率。论文研究带分形孔的垂荡板对浮式风力机水动力-气动力耦合性能的影响。用两相流求解器naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解系泊状态浮式平台的水动力响应。将非稳态致动线模型嵌入两相流求解器,用来求解受平台运动影响的风力机气动性能。研究结果表明:开孔垂荡板能提升浮式风力机系统的稳定性,减小平台运动响应的幅值,增大风力机气动功率。此外,开分形孔的垂荡板的效果优于开规则孔的垂荡板,它是增强系统稳定性的可行方案。 Heave plate is a kind of passive device equipped on a floating support platform to increase its added mass and hydrodynamic damping. In this paper, influence of the heave plate with fractal holes on the hydro-aerodynamic coupling performance of the floating offshore wind turbine is studied. The two-phase flow solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU is applied to solve the hydrodynamic response of the mooring platform.Aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine under the influence of platform motions are solved by inserting the unsteady actuating line model into the two-phase flow solver. The results show that the stability of the wind turbine could be improved when the perforated heave plate is applied, amplitude of motion responses of the platform could be reduced, and the aerodynamic power of the wind turbine could be increased. It is found that the effect of the heave plate with fractal holes is better than that with regular holes, and is a feasible scheme to enhance the stability of the floating offshore wind turbine system.
作者 郑建才 赵伟文 万德成 ZHENG Jiancai;ZHAO Weiwen;WAN Decheng(Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab(CMHL),School of Naval Architecture,Ocean and Civil Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240 China)
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期1-12,共12页 Shipbuilding of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51879159,52131102) 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFB1704200)的资助。
关键词 非稳态致动线模型 水动力-气动力耦合 垂荡板 分形特征孔 unsteady actuator line model hydro-aerodynamic coupling heave plate fractal hole
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