

Vibration Serviceability Design of the Skywalk in Shimao Shengang International Center
摘要 “天环”位于世茂深港国际中心商业综合体的裙房七层,作为项目特色亮点区域,将与餐饮、观光、展览、舞台等功能相结合,带动项目乃至片区的商业活力。“天环”结构水平弧形外伸,悬挑跨度为28.5 m,悬挑段总长度为59.6 m,采用顶部巨型箱梁吊挂的结构形式。“天环”的竖向一阶自振频率为1.88 Hz,使得人致振动舒适度问题成为结构设计的控制要素。从适用标准、参数取值、人致荷载的选取及工况模拟等方面详细分析了“天环”的振动舒适度性能,提出了采用TMD装置满足舒适度要求的方案,并给出了减振装置的设计参数。文中分析方法和成果可供类似的吊挂型长悬挑钢结构借鉴和参考。 Skywalk is located on the seventh floor of the Shimao Shengang International Center’s podium.Skywalk will be a new must-visit venue bringing potential consumers to the centre as a distinctive spot in the project development and offering diverse functions such as dining,exhibition site-seeing and stage.The Skywalk is an arc-shaped structure with a total cantilever length of 59.6 m and a cantilever span of 28.5 m.It is made out of a massive box beam on top of which the floor is suspended.Skywalk’s initial vertical natural frequency is 1.88 Hz,making human-induced vibrations a critical concern for structural design.The performance of Skywalk’s vibration serviceability is examined in terms of relevant criteria,design parameters,load model,load scenario,and computational methodologies in this article.Based on the results of the foregoing research,appropriate design parameters for TMD devices are proposed in order to minimise human-induced vibrations.When examining the vibration serviceability of comparable long-cantilever steel structures,the study approach and vibration attenuation strategy can be used as a reference.
作者 刘永璨 LIU Yongcan(Shanghai Shimao Commercial Investment Company Limited,Shanghai 200122,China;Shimao Corporation,Shanghai 200122,China)
出处 《建筑钢结构进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期74-81,共8页 Progress in Steel Building Structures
关键词 吊挂型长悬挑结构 振动舒适度 行人荷载 减振设计 long-cantilever structure with hung floor vibration serviceability pedestrian load vibration attenuation design
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