
干眼的免疫机制研究进展 被引量:5

Research progress on immune mechanism of dry eye
摘要 干眼是一种由多因素所致,发病机制众多的常见眼表疾病。随着我国干眼发病率逐年升高,干眼逐渐引起人们的重视。干眼的发病机制较为复杂,其中炎症、角结膜上皮细胞改变、泪膜成分改变、角膜神经改变、睑板腺功能异常改变等均为重要因素。泪膜高渗导致眼表上皮细胞高渗,刺激炎症发生级联反应,眼表炎症反应为干眼发病机制中最为关键的环节。该过程中有多种炎症介质和免疫细胞参与,越来越多的人认为干眼是一种抗原特异性自身免疫性炎症疾病且二者存在联系。临床治疗中,各类抗炎药物及促进泪液分泌药物在一定程度上标志着干眼药物治疗的快速发展,但干眼治疗并非仅仅为了改善症状,而要根据具体病因展开治疗。近年关于干眼免疫机制的研究日益增多,据此本文就干眼的免疫机制研究进展进行综述,希望系统性了解免疫在干眼发生发展过程中的作用及临床意义。 The dry eye is a common ocular surface disease caused by multiple factors with multiple pathogenesis.With the increasing morbidity of dry eye in our country year by year,dry eye has gradually attracted people’s attention.The pathogenesis of dry eye is more complicated whose critical influencing factors include inflammation,corneal and conjunctival epithelial cell changes,tear film composition changes,corneal nerve changes,and meibomian gland dysfunction and so on.The tear film hypertonicity leads to the hypertonicity of the ocular surface epithelial cells,stimulating the cascade of inflammation,which is the most critical part among the pathogenesis of dry eye.A variety of inflammatory mediators and immune cells are involved in this process,and more and more people have reached a consensus that the dry eye is an antigen-specific autoimmune inflammatory disease and they are closely correlated with each.In clinical treatment,various anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs promoting tear secretion mark the rapid development of drug therapy for dry eye to some extent,but dry eye treatment is not only to improve symptoms,but to carry out treatment according to specific etiology.Recently,researches on the immune mechanism of dry eye have been increasing.This article reviewed on the immune progress of dry eye to realize the clinical significance and systematically understand the role of which in the occurrence and development of dry eye.
作者 高轶 魏超群 弥禹 陈卓 葛红岩 Yi Gao;Chao-Qun Wei;Yu Mi;Zhuo Chen;Hong-Yan Ge(Eye Hospital,the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150001,Heilongjiang Province,China)
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第8期1313-1317,共5页 International Eye Science
基金 黑龙江省卫生健康委科研课题(No.2019-033)。
关键词 干眼 免疫 炎症 白细胞介素 抗原呈递细胞 dry eye immunity inflammation interleukin antigen presenting cells
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