
和平、发展、自主、包容坚定践行开放的区域主义 被引量:4

Upholding Peace,Development,Independence and Inclusiveness And Renewing the Firm Commitment to Open Regionalism
摘要 中国与东盟山水相依、心手相连,始终是命运与共的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。特别是过去十年来,在习近平主席和东盟各国领导人指引推动下,中国东盟关系进入了快车道、跑出了加速度。回首过往,最令人鼓舞的,是中国东盟关系始终一马当先。中国率先同东盟建立战略伙伴关系,率先加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,率先同东盟商谈建立自贸区,率先明确支持东盟在区域合作中的中心地位。 China and ASEAN are always good neighbors, good friends and good partners with a shared future. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced together with ASEAN leaders the establishment of a China-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and made five proposals on building home together, pointing the way forward for the growth of ChinaASEAN relations. The partnership advocates open regionalism, true multilateralism, a development-first approach and mutually beneficial cooperation. It aims to help countries in the region emerge from the pandemic and achieve all-round development as soon as possible. It will have a fundamental and far-reaching impact on the future of all countries in the region. China and ASEAN need to uphold the concept of peaceful coexistence, the goal of development and rejuvenation, the principle of independence and the spirit of openness and inclusiveness to support the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture. China will call for settling differences in the Asian way and uphold regional peace and stability;pursue the open strategy for development and promote regional economic integration;advance cooperation in science, technology and innovation to stimulate new drivers of development in the region;and carry forward Asian values and deepen the bonds of friendship among peoples in the region. China and ASEAN will build a common homeland that enjoys peace, tranquility, prosperity, beautiful environment and friendship, and write a new chapter of regional cooperation and Asian vitalization.
作者 王毅 WANG Yi
机构地区 不详
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期1-7,138,共8页 International Studies
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