

A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Exercise Intervention on Heart Rate Variability in a Population with Obesity
摘要 目的:肥胖会导致糖尿病、心血管疾病以及代谢综合征等疾病,而运动干预可有效改善肥胖人心自主神经功能。本研究拟系统评价运动干预对肥胖人群心率变异性的影响。方法:通过中国知网(CNKI)和PubMed检索关于运动干预对肥胖人心率变异性的文献,运用Revman5.1和Stata 16.1软件对所纳入的两大结局指标进行Meta分析。结果显示:①运动干预对肥胖人的时域指标SDNN具有统计学意义[Z=3.37,SMD=1.82,95%CI(0.76,2.88),P=0.0007<0.05];②运动干预对肥胖人的时域指标RMSSD具有统计学意义[Z=2.85,SMD=0.95,95%CI(0.30,1.60),P=0.004<0.05];③运动干预对肥胖人的频域指标LF无统计学意义[Z=0.85,SMD=0.21,95%CI(-0.27,0.69),P=0.40>0.05];运动干预对肥胖人的频域指标HF具有统计学意义[Z=2.55,SMD=0.62,95%CI(0.4,1.09),P=0.01<0.05]。结论:运动干预可有效改善肥胖人的副交感神经活性,降低肥胖人的安静心率,有助于促进心自主神经功能。 OBJECTIVE:Obesity can cause diabetes,cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.Exercise intervention can effectively improve the cardiac autonomic function of obese people.This study was conducted to systematically evaluate the effect of exercise intervention on heart rate variability in obese people.METHODS:The literature on heart rate variability in obese people was searched through China Knowledge Network(CNKI)and PubMed,and Meta-analysis was performed on the two included outcome indicators using Revman 5.1 and Stata 16.1 software.The Meta-analysis findings show that(a)exercise intervention had a statistically significant effect on the time-domain indicator SDNN in obese people[Z=3.37.SMD=1.82,95%CI(0.76,2.88),P=0.0007<0.05];(b)exercise intervention had a statistically significant effect on the time-domain indicator RMSSD in obese people[Z=2.85,SMD=0.95,95%CI(0.30,1.60),P=0.004<0.05];(c)exercise intervention had a statistically significant effect on the frequency domain indicator LF was not statistically significant[Z=0.85,SMD=0.21,95%CI(-0.27,0.69),P=0.40>0.05];exercise intervention had a statistically significant effect on the frequency domain indicator HF in obese people[Z=2.55,SMD=0.62,95%CI(0.4,1.09),P=0.01<0.05].CONCLUSIONS:Exercise intervention can effectively improve parasympathetic activity,reduce quiet heart rate and further promote cardiac autonomic function in obese individuals.
作者 关鹏 Guan Peng(Shanxi Normal University,Taiyuan 046000,Shanxi,China)
机构地区 山西师范大学
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2022年第7期126-129,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 运动干预 肥胖人群 HRV META分析 Exercise Intervention Obese People HRV Meta-Analysis
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