
统筹发展和安全视域下的系统性风险研究现状与趋势--基于CiteSpace图谱的分析研究 被引量:1

Status and Trends of Systemic Risk Research in the Perspective of Integrated Developmentand Security:An Analytical Study Based on CiteSpace Mapping
摘要 《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》再次强调了“统筹发展和安全”这一重大历史任务。在统筹发展和安全视域下防控系统性风险,是新时代面临的一个重大理论和实践问题。本文运用分析软件CiteSpace,对中国知网数据库(CNKI)2007至2022年收录的关键词为“系统性风险”的1137篇CSSCI文献、核心刊物文献进行了可视化分析,以期从定量角度把握国内对于系统性风险的研究脉络与发展现状,并在此基础上对防控系统性风险的理论研究与实践运作的发展趋势进行了展望。 The“Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle”once again emphasized the major historical task of“coordinating development and security”.The prevention and control of systemic risks from the perspective of overall development and security is a major theoretical and practical issue in the new era.Using the analysis software CiteSpace,the paper conducts a visual analysis of 1,137 CSSCI documents and core publications with the keyword“systematic risk”included in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database from 2007 to 2022,in order to quantitatively grasp the domestic response to systemic risk.On this basis,the development trend of theoretical research and practical operation of the prevention and control of systemic risk is prospected.
作者 方世南 朱栎蓉 FANG Shinan;ZHU Lirong
出处 《阅江学刊》 2022年第4期120-129,174,共11页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 2018年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“习近平生态文明思想研究”(18JZD007) 苏州大学人文社会科学类“马克思主义政党与国家治理研究”项目(szdx2020)。
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