
从“传播载体”到“创新主体”:论中国游戏“走出去”的范式创新 被引量:27

From "Communicative Medium" to "Innovative Subject" : A New Way to Bring Chinese Video Games to the World
摘要 近年来,我国游戏产品“出海”不仅实现了国际贸易顺差,更在日、韩、美等游戏产业发达国家获得了市场成功;但在“文化走出去”方面,中国游戏却没有取得等量的成效。研究发现,这种“产品出海”和“文化出海”效果悖论背后,是不同的“文化折扣”在发挥作用:游戏的“产品出海”维度包括游戏玩法、架空世界与本土运营,具有较低的“文化折扣”,而游戏的“文化出海”维度则包括有较高“文化折扣”的传统文化故事与符号。研究建议,要解决这种效果反差,中国“文化出海”的理念和操作应从“载体范式”转向“主体范式”,以原创网络游戏为基点、以“元宇宙”为愿景,建构和传播中国当代文化和未来文化,最终实现中华文化“走出去”的价值创新。 In recent years, Chinese video games export a lot, which has not only achieved the international trade surplus, but also found success in Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries where the game industry is highly developed. However, in terms of "Chinese culture going global", video game has yet to have much impact. Behind this paradox of "product export" and "cultural export" situation, cultural discount plays a key role: in "product export" situation, game playing patterns, fictional world and local operation of an video game are facts that matter a lot, which work with lower cultural discounts, while in "cultural export" situation, traditional cultural stories and symbols are the keystones, which work with higher cultural discounts. This paper holds that in order to fill this gap and to promote Chinese culture going global, we should resort to the media practice theory, turning from the "medium paradigm" to the "subject paradigm", so as to construct and spread China’s modern culture and future culture based on the original online games and the vision of "metaverse", to find a new way to bring Chinese culture to the world.
作者 曾培伦 邓又溪 ZENG Pei-lun;DENG You-xi
出处 《新闻大学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期94-104,122,共12页 Journalism Research
基金 国家广播电视总局部级社科研究基金项目(GD1946) 复旦大学新闻学院上海新媒体实验中心项目的阶段性成果。
关键词 游戏产品 “文化走出去” 文化折扣 价值创新 video games chinese culture going global cultural discounts Metaverse
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