
中日邦交正常化五十年:回顾与分析 被引量:1

Fifty Years of Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan: Retrospect and Prospect
摘要 50年前,中日两国经过多方努力实现了关系正常化。此后,两国关系发生了翻天覆地的变化:经济和社会交往日趋频繁,不仅做到了和平相处,而且实现了互利共赢,两国人民因此获得了巨大的实惠。然而,两国关系的发展并非一帆风顺,现状也不尽如人意,突出地表现在近年来两国政治互信缺失,两国民众对对方国家的看法比较负面。本文将首先简要回顾中日关系正常化以来两国关系取得的成绩及面临的困难和挑战,然后分析推动和阻碍两国关系发展的主要原因。作为一衣带水的邻邦,中日两国友好合作既是两国人民根本利益所在,也是地区和世界和平和繁荣的需要,搞好两国关系是中日两国共同的历史责任。为此,两国政府和民间都需要作出更多和更大的努力。 Fifty years ago, China and Japan normalized their relations through the efforts of many parties. Since then, relations between the two countries have undergone radical changes: economic and social exchanges have increased day by day, and not only have they lived in peace, but also achieved mutual benefits, which have brought great welfare to the people of both countries. However, the development of relations between the two countries has not been smooth and the status quo is not satisfactory, highlighted by the lack of mutual political trust between the two countries in recent years and the extremely negative perceptions of the two countries’ publics toward each other. This paper will first briefly review the achievements and difficulties and challenges faced by the two countries since the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations, then analyze the main reasons driving and hindering the development of the two countries’ relations, and finally put forward prospects and expectations on this basis. The paper argues that, as neighbors sharing the same waters, China and Japan in friendship and cooperation are not only a requirement for the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also a need for peace and prosperity in the region and the world, and it is the common historical responsibility of China and Japan to improve the relations between the two countries. To this end, both governments and peoples need to make more efforts.
作者 贾庆国 夏维勇 Jia Qingguo;Xia Weiyong(the School of International Relations,Peking University;the Foreign Affairs Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference;School of Public Affairs Management,Yunnan University)
出处 《当代中国与世界》 2022年第2期48-58,127,共12页 Contemporary China and World
关键词 中日邦交正常化 中日合作 军国主义 政治互信 台湾问题 normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan Sino-Japan cooperation militarism mutual political trust Taiwan question
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