

Preliminary application of pharyngeal catheter in painless gastroscopy
摘要 目的 观察咽腔导管在无痛胃镜中的应用效果。方法 80 例接受无痛胃镜检查的患者,随机分为 A 组和 B 组,各 40 例。两组均行胃镜检查,A 组一直经鼻吸氧,B 组先经鼻吸氧,胃镜检查开始时插入咽腔导管后改用麻醉机经其在咽腔供氧。比较两组麻醉诱导前 (T0)、麻醉诱导 1 min 后(T1)、苏醒时 (T2) 的平均动脉压 (MAP)、心率 (HR)、血氧饱和度 (Sp O_(2)) 和检查过程中的 Sp O_(2)最低值。结果 T1 时,两组 MAP、HR 均低于 T0 时,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05);T2 时,两组 MAP、HR 均高于 T1 时,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。A 组 T0、T1、T2 时的 Sp O_(2)及检查过程中的 Sp O_(2)最低值分别为(99.2±0.7)%、(93.6±5.3)%、(98.9±1.2)%、(91.2±6.5)%,B 组 T0、T1、T2 时的 Sp O_(2)及检查过程中的Sp O_(2)最低值分别为 (99.1±0.6)%、(97.8±1.4)%、(99.3±1.5)%、(96.5±2.3)%。T1 时,两组 Sp O_(2)均低于T0 时,但 B 组 Sp O_(2)高于 A 组,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05);T2 时,两组 Sp O_(2)均高于 T1 时,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05);B 组检查过程中的 Sp O_(2)最低值高于 A 组,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。结论 无痛胃镜检查过程中插入咽腔导管用麻醉机给氧,能够在咽腔声门处充分供氧,患者的 Sp O_(2)能保持在安全的范围内,优于经鼻吸氧法,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To observe the application effect of pharyngeal catheter in painless gastroscopy.Methods A total of 80 patients who underwent painless gastroscopy were randomly divided into group A and group B,with 40 cases in each group.Gastroscopy was performed in both groups.Both groups underwent gastroscopy,and group A was always on intranasal oxygen,while group B was first on intranasal oxygen,and a pharyngeal cavity catheter was inserted at the beginning of the gastroscopy,and then used an anesthesia machine to supply oxygen through the pharyngeal cavity.Both groups were compared in terms of mean arterial pressure(MAP),heart rate(HR),blood oxygen saturation(SpO_(2))before anesthesia induction(T0),1 min after anesthesia induction(T1),and awakening(T2),and the lowest SpO_(2) during the examination.Results At T1,the MAP and HR of the two groups were lower than those of this group at T0,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).At T2,the MAP and HR of the two groups were higher than those of this group at T1,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The lowest SpO_(2) values at T0,T1 and T2 and during examination in group A were(99.2±0.7)%,(93.6±5.3)%,(98.9±1.2)%and(91.2±6.5)%;the lowest SpO_(2) values at T0,T1,and T2 and during the examination in group B were(99.1±0.6)%,(97.8±1.4)%,(99.3±1.5)%,and(96.5±2.3)%.At T1,the SpO_(2) in both groups was lower than that at T0 in this group,but SpO_(2) in group B was higher than that in group A,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).At T2,the SpO_(2) in both groups was higher than that at T1 in this group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The lowest value of SpO_(2) during the examination in group B was higher than that in group A,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion In the process of painless gastroscopy,the insertion of a pharyngeal cavity catheter to administer oxygen by anesthesia machine can fully supply oxygen at pharyngeal glottis,and the patient's SPO_(2) can be kept within a safe range,which is superior to the transnasal oxygen inhalation and is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
作者 刘建树 吴园园 姜蕊 马慧 熊建国 涂立刚 常建军 LIU Jian-shu;WU Yuan-yuan;JIANG Rui(Department of Anesthesiology,Xinyang Central Hospital,Xinyang 464000,China)
出处 《中国实用医药》 2022年第15期55-57,共3页 China Practical Medicine
关键词 咽腔导管 无痛胃镜 麻醉 供氧 Pharyngeal catheter Painless gastroscopy Anesthesia Oxygen supply
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