

High-Quality Development of the Headquarters Economy in the New Development Pattern
摘要 在全球贸易保护主义盛行、世纪疫情全球蔓延、美国对华科技封锁加剧、地缘政治格局演变进程加快等多重因素的联合影响下,我国经济持续稳定发展面临外部新挑战。跨国公司总部型经济的就业乘数效应、税收乘数效应、产业集聚效应、技术扩散效应和溢出效应,是保障我国经济内外部循环有效畅通运行,助推我国经济高质量发展,加快科技创新步伐,实现经济结构转型升级和构建全面开放新格局的重要抓手。然而,发达国家对全球跨国公司高能级管理型总部资源的激烈竞争、部分发展中国家对于跨国公司投资生产型总部资源的激烈争夺等,是我国推动总部型经济发展的主要挑战。为此,需要对管理型总部、投资生产型总部、平台型总部、创新型总部分类施策,对标国际最高标准,进一步优化营商环境,扩大对外开放的层次和范围,保持总部型经济政策的连续性和可预期性,增强对跨国公司的吸引力。同时注重促进国内外产业链的深度融合,加大力度支持和培育“专精特新”企业以及更多具有国际影响力的本土跨国公司,推动总部型经济高质量发展,畅通国内外循环。 Under the combined influence of multiple factors such as the prevalence of global trade protectionism,the spread of the global epidemic,the intensification of the US technology blockade against China,and the accelerated evolution of the geopolitical pattern,China’s sustainable and stable economic development is facing new external challenges.The employment multiplier effect,tax multiplier effect,industrial agglomeration effect,technology diffusion effect and spillover effect of the headquarters-based economy of multinational corporations are to ensure the effective and smooth operation of the internal and external circulation of my country’s economy,boost the high-quality development of my country’s economy,and accelerate the pace of scientific and technological innovation.,an important starting point for realizing the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure and building a new pattern of comprehensive opening up.However,the fierce competition of developed countries for high-level management headquarters resources of global multinational corporations and the fierce competition of some developing countries for multinational corporations to invest in production headquarters resources are the main challenges for China to promote the development of headquarters-based economy.To this end,it is necessary to classify and implement policies for management headquarters,investment and production headquarters,platform headquarters,and innovation headquarters,benchmark against the highest international standards,further optimize the business environment,expand the level and scope of opening to the outside world,and maintain the headquarters-based economic policy.Continuity and predictability enhance attractiveness to multinational corporations.At the same time,it pays attention to promoting the deep integration of domestic and foreign industrial chains,and intensifies efforts to support and cultivate“specialized,special and new”enterprises and more local multinational companies with international influence,so as to promote the high-quality development of the headquarters-based economy and smooth the circulation at home and abroad.
作者 靳玉英 王开 Jin Yuying;Wang Kai(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433)
机构地区 上海财经大学
出处 《开放导报》 2022年第4期61-68,共8页 China Opening Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:新发展格局视阈下中国宏观调控跨周期设计与调节的理论与实验研究(21&ZD082)。
关键词 总部型经济 “双循环”战略 贸易保护主义 经济效应 Headquarters Economy Double Cycle Strategy Trade Protectionism Economic Effects
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