

Principle of ADXL357 Accelerometer and Its Application in Ultrasonic Logging Tool
摘要 本文应用ADXL357传感器实现三轴加速度的测量,详细介绍加速度计的特点与工作原理,并在超声成像仪数据采集与处理电路中应用该传感器。通过平台测试,结果表明该芯片在高温下温漂特性较好,工作稳定性较高,为声波测井的井下加速度测量提供了有益的参考。 The ADXL357 sensor is selected for the three-axis acceleration measurement. The characteristics and operating principles of the accelerometer are described in detail, and the sensor is applied in the data acquisition and processing circuit of the ultrasound imager. A set of high-temperature test rig was built for temperature experiments. The results show that the chip has good temperature drift characteristics and high operating stability at high temperatures, providing a useful reference for downhole acceleration measurements in acoustic logging.
作者 程林波 王文梁 李学 CHENG Linbo;WANG Wenliang;LI Xue(CNOOC Oilfield Services Go.,Ltd,Langfang 065000,China)
出处 《电声技术》 2022年第5期105-107,共3页 Audio Engineering
关键词 加速度计 ADXL357 超声成像仪 acceleration sensor ADXL357 ultrasound imager
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