在火山、矿泉池、河流与沼泽地的环绕下,保护区拥有无与伦比的生物多样性。红毛狸狸是这里的标志性物种,它们一直是科学家、当地机构、国际组织和社区共同努力复森林、尊重生命的驱动力!请扫描下方二维码,认识红毛狸狸研究专家Suci Utami。
Bordered by volcanoes,mineral pools,freshwater rivers and swamps,the Gunung Leuser Biosphere Reserve is home to unparalleled biodiversitly.The orangutan,the biosphere reserve's emblematic species,has been the driving force behind a concerted effort by scientists,local and international organisations,together with the communities living there,to restore the forest and thus Celebrate Life!Listen in this podcast to Suci Utami,an orangutan researcher.
Man and the Biosphere