

Legal Regulation on Overwork from the Perspective of Health Promotion
摘要 过劳问题已日益显成为一项影响公共健康的问题。在实施“健康中国”战略的当下,有必要检视我国劳动的相关法律规范。其虽相对健全,但却对过劳的预防关注不够,缺乏针对过劳问题的专门规制。基于对劳动者生命健康权益的保障,结合新公共卫生法律规制模式的启示,法律有必要干预公民的劳动自由。应增加预防过劳的过程性规制,适度关切劳动者的心理健康,以帮助劳动者平衡好劳动自由和生命健康权益。 Overwork has increasingly become a problem affecting public health. In the implementation of the healthy China strategy, it is necessary to examine the labor-related legal norms in China. They are relatively sound,but there is a lack of special regulations on overwork, and insufficient attention is paid to the prevention of overwork.Based on the protection of laborers’ life and health rights and interests and combined with the enlightenment of the new public health law regulation mode, it is necessary for the law to interfere with citizens’ labor freedom, increase the process regulation to prevent overwork and moderately care about the mental health of workers, so as to help workers balance the rights and interests of labor freedom and life health.
作者 张玉鹏 Zhang Yupeng
出处 《医学与法学》 2022年第4期34-38,共5页 Medicine and Jurisprudence
关键词 健康促进 过劳 法律规制 health promotion overwork legal regulation
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